[ZDP] BackTalk to Document The Zope Book (2.6 Edition)/Virtual Hosting Services

webmaster at zope.org webmaster at zope.org
Sat Apr 3 09:11:23 EST 2004

A comment to the paragraph below was recently added via http://zope.org/Documentation/Books/ZopeBook/2_6Edition/VirtualHosting.stx#4-26


          This causes your local machine to contact itself when a
          hostname of 'wwww.example.com' is encountered.  For the sake
          of this example, we're going to want to contact Zope via the
          hostname 'www.example.com' through a browser (also on your
          local host) and this makes it possible.

            % Anonymous User - Apr. 3, 2004 9:11 am:
             On MacOS X Server 10.3, it's easy to add virtual host with 'Server Admin.app'. This application can make and
             maintain virtual host , access log, etc. If you make virtual host named 'www.exsample.com', its .config file
             named '0000_any_80_www.example.com.config' is made at /etc/httpd/sites/. Then, open this file and add
             following two lines just before </VirtualHost>.
               RewriteEngine On
               RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://localhost:8080/......

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