[ZDP] BackTalk to Document The Zope Book (2.6 Edition)/Appendix C:
Zope Page Templates Reference
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Mon Jun 14 15:41:43 EDT 2004
A comment to the paragraph below was recently added via http://zope.org/Documentation/Books/ZopeBook/2_6Edition/AppendixC.stx#3-216
Given this macro::
<p metal:define-macro="hello">
Hello <b metal:define-slot="name">World</b>
% Anonymous User - June 14, 2004 3:41 pm:
the tag <metal:headslot ...> ... </metal:headslot> is an XML / XHTML compliant tag entity, but will not be
rendered by most browsers ('metal:headslot' is not a standard HTML tag).
Regardless, the TAL parser will parse the tag for any logic it contains...
By putting the metal: at the beginning, the tag's attribute scope falls under the METAL namespace; this
essentially means that any metal attributes within the opening tag don't need to have 'metal:' attached to
(example: <metal:some-block define-slot="..."> ... </metal:some-block>
rather than
<metal:some-other-block metal:define-slot="..."> ... </metal:some-block>)
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