[ZDP] Examples - lesson 6, repeat code missplaced ?

Laurent Pointal laurent.pointal at limsi.fr
Thu Oct 21 07:30:17 EDT 2004

Going via tutorial after mistake about METAL and macros use...

In the example, the code to type is:
<h1 tal:content="template/title">title</h1>
<table border="1">
   <div tal:repeat="sighting container/sightingsFolder/objectValues"
        tal:content="structure sighting">
   Sighting goes here

But lesson says "Notice how each sighting now has a box drawn around 
it." and the sightings are presented as a whole  cell in the table.
Tried following code which render as intended (i think):

<h1 tal:content="template/title">title</h1>
<table border="1">
   <tr tal:repeat="sighting container/sightingsFolder/objectValues">
    <div tal:content="structure sighting">
     Sighting goes here



CNRS-LIMSI dépt. CHM, groupes AMI et PS
Courriel: laurent.pointal at limsi.fr    (prof)
           laurent.pointal at laposte.net (perso)
Ouebe: http://www.limsi.fr/Individu/pointal/
Tél. 01 69 85 81 06 (prof)
Fax. 01 69 85 80 88

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