[Zodb-checkins] CVS: Zope2/lib/Components/ExtensionClass - testExtensionClass.py:1.1 testAcquisition.py:1.2
Brian Lloyd
Fri, 6 Apr 2001 17:01:41 -0400 (EDT)
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope2/lib/Components/ExtensionClass/test
In directory korak:/home/brian/temp/mainline-python-21/lib/Components/ExtensionClass/test
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Added Files:
Log Message:
save start on 2.1 unit tests for EC, Acquisition
--- Added File testExtensionClass.py in package Zope2/lib/Components/ExtensionClass ---
"""ExtensionClass unit tests."""
from operator import truth
import unittest, string
import ExtensionClass
class MagicMethodTests(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test delegation to magic methods."""
BaseClass = ExtensionClass.Base
def fixup_inst(self, object):
"""A hook to allow acquisition tests based on this fixture."""
return object
# Test delegation of magic methods for attribute management.
def test__getattr__(self):
"""Test __getattr__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __getattr__(self, name):
return 'bruce'
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass()
assert object.foo == 'bruce'
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass())
assert object.foo == 'bruce'
def test__setattr__(self):
"""Test __setattr__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
self.__dict__['bruce_%s' % name] = value
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass()
object.attr = 'value'
assert object.bruce_attr == 'value'
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass())
object.attr = 'value'
assert object.bruce_attr == 'value'
def test__delattr__(self):
"""Test __delattr__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __delattr__(self, name):
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass()
del object.foo
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass())
del object.foo
# Test delegation of magic methods for basic customization.
def test__str__(self):
"""Test __str__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __str__(self):
return 'bruce'
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass()
assert str(object) == 'bruce'
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass())
assert str(object) == 'bruce'
def test__repr__(self):
"""Test __repr__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __repr__(self):
return 'bruce'
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass()
assert repr(object) == 'bruce'
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass())
assert repr(object) == 'bruce'
def test__cmp__(self):
"""Test __cmp__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __cmp__(self, other):
return 1
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass()
assert object > 1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass())
assert object > 1
def test__hash__(self):
"""Test __hash__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __hash__(self):
return hash('bruce')
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass()
assert hash(object) == hash('bruce')
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass())
assert hash(object) == hash('bruce')
# Test delegation of rich comparison methods (new in Python 2.1).
def test__lt__(self):
"""Test __lt__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __lt__(self, other):
return 1
def __cmp__(self, other):
raise AssertionError, 'Rich comparison not used!'
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass()
assert object < 1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass())
assert object < 1
def test__le__(self):
"""Test __le__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __le__(self, other):
return 1
def __cmp__(self, other):
raise AssertionError, 'Rich comparison not used!'
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass()
assert object <= 1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass())
assert object <= 1
def test__eq__(self):
"""Test __eq__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __eq__(self, other):
return 1
def __cmp__(self, other):
raise AssertionError, 'Rich comparison not used!'
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass()
assert object == 1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass())
assert object == 1
def test__ne__(self):
"""Test __ne__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __ne__(self, other):
return 1
def __cmp__(self, other):
raise AssertionError, 'Rich comparison not used!'
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass()
assert object != 1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass())
assert object != 1
def test__gt__(self):
"""Test __gt__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __gt__(self, other):
return 1
def __cmp__(self, other):
raise AssertionError, 'Rich comparison not used!'
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass()
assert object > 1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass())
assert object > 1
def test__ge__(self):
"""Test __ge__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __ge__(self, other):
return 1
def __cmp__(self, other):
raise AssertionError, 'Rich comparison not used!'
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass()
assert object >= 1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass())
assert object >= 1
# Test delegation of truth semantics, use of __nonzero__ and __len__.
def testTruthSemanticsDefault(self):
"""Test truth semantics (default)."""
class PythonClass:
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass()
assert truth(object) == 1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass())
assert truth(object) == 1
def testTruthSemanticsWithNonZero(self):
"""Test truth semantics with __nonzero__."""
class PythonClass:
result = 0
def __nonzero__(self):
return self.result
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass()
assert truth(object) == 0
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass())
assert truth(object) == 0
PythonClass.result = 1
object = PythonClass()
assert truth(object) == 1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass())
assert truth(object) == 1
def testTruthSemanticsWithLen(self):
"""Test truth semantics with __len__."""
class PythonClass:
result = 0
def __len__(self):
return self.result
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass()
assert truth(object) == 0
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass())
assert truth(object) == 0
PythonClass.result = 1
object = PythonClass()
assert truth(object) == 1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass())
assert truth(object) == 1
def testTruthSemanticsWithNonZeroAndLen(self):
"""Test truth semantics with __nonzero__ and __len__."""
class PythonClass:
nn = 0
ll = 1
def __nonzero__(self):
return self.nn
def __len__(self):
return self.ll
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass()
assert truth(object) == 0
assert len(object) == 1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass())
assert truth(object) == 0
assert len(object) == 1
PythonClass.nn = 1
PythonClass.ll = 0
object = PythonClass()
assert truth(object) == 1
assert len(object) == 0
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass())
assert truth(object) == 1
assert len(object) == 0
# Test delegation of overridable binary arithmetic operations.
def test__add__(self):
"""Test __add__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __add__(self, other):
return self.value + other
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(1)
assert object + 1 == 2
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(1))
assert object + 1 == 2
def test__sub__(self):
"""Test __sub__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __sub__(self, other):
return self.value - other
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(2)
assert object - 1 == 1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(2))
assert object - 1 == 1
def test__mul__(self):
"""Test __mul__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __mul__(self, other):
return self.value * other
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(2)
assert object * 2 == 4
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(2))
assert object * 2 == 4
def test__div__(self):
"""Test __div__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __div__(self, other):
return self.value / other
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(4)
assert object / 2 == 2
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(4))
assert object / 2 == 2
def test__mod__(self):
"""Test __mod__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __mod__(self, other):
return self.value % other
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(101)
assert object % 10 == 1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(101))
assert object % 10 == 1
def test__divmod__(self):
"""Test __divmod__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __divmod__(self, other):
return divmod(self.value, other)
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(101)
assert divmod(object, 10) == (10, 1)
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(101))
assert divmod(object, 10) == (10, 1)
def test__pow__(self):
"""Test __pow__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __pow__(self, other, modulo=None):
return self.value ** other
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(10)
assert object ** 2 == 100
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(10))
assert object ** 2 == 100
def test__lshift__(self):
"""Test __lshift__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __lshift__(self, other):
return self.value << other
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(100)
assert object << 2 == 400
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(100))
assert object << 2 == 400
def test__rshift__(self):
"""Test __rshift__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __rshift__(self, other):
return self.value >> other
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(100)
assert object >> 2 == 25
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(100))
assert object >> 2 == 25
def test__and__(self):
"""Test __and__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __and__(self, other):
return self.value & other
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(1)
assert object & 1 == 1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(1))
assert object & 1 == 1
def test__xor__(self):
"""Test __xor__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __xor__(self, other):
return self.value ^ other
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(1)
assert object ^ 1 == 0
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(1))
assert object ^ 1 == 0
def test__or__(self):
"""Test __or__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __or__(self, other):
return self.value | other
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(1)
assert object | 1 == 1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(1))
assert object | 1 == 1
# Test delegation of reflected binary arithmetic operations.
def test__radd__(self):
"""Test __radd__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __radd__(self, other):
return self.value + other
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(1)
assert 1 + object == 2
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(1))
assert 1 + object == 2
def test__rsub__(self):
"""Test __rsub__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __rsub__(self, other):
return other - self.value
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(2)
assert 2 - object == 0
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(2))
assert 2 - object == 0
def test__rmul__(self):
"""Test __rmul__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __rmul__(self, other):
return other * self.value
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(2)
assert 2 * object == 4
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(2))
assert 2 * object == 4
def test__rdiv__(self):
"""Test __rdiv__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __rdiv__(self, other):
return other / self.value
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(4)
assert 12 / object == 3
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(4))
assert 12 / object == 3
def test__rmod__(self):
"""Test __rmod__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __rmod__(self, other):
return other % self.value
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(10)
assert 101 % object == 1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(10))
assert 101 % object == 1
def test__rdivmod__(self):
"""Test __rdivmod__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __rdivmod__(self, other):
return divmod(other, self.value)
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(10)
assert divmod(101, object) == (10, 1)
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(10))
assert divmod(101, object) == (10, 1)
def test__rpow__(self):
"""Test __rpow__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __rpow__(self, other):
return other ** self.value
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(10)
assert 2 ** object == 100
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(10))
assert 2 ** object == 100
def test__rlshift__(self):
"""Test __rlshift__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __rlshift__(self, other):
return other << self.value
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(2)
assert 100 << object == 400
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(2))
assert 100 << object == 400
def test__rrshift__(self):
"""Test __rrshift__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __rrshift__(self, other):
return other >> self.value
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(2)
assert 100 >> object == 25
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(2))
assert 100 >> object == 25
def test__rand__(self):
"""Test __rand__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __rand__(self, other):
return other & self.value
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(1)
assert 1 & object == 1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(1))
assert 1 & object == 1
def test__rxor__(self):
"""Test __rxor__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __rxor__(self, other):
return other ^ self.value
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(1)
assert 1 ^ object == 0
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(1))
assert 1 ^ object == 0
def test__ror__(self):
"""Test __ror__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __ror__(self, other):
return other | self.value
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(1)
assert 1 | object == 1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(1))
assert 1 | object == 1
# Test delegation of augmented assignment operations.
def test__iadd__(self):
"""Test __iadd__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __iadd__(self, other):
return self.__class__(self.value + other)
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(1)
object += 1
assert object.value == 2
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(1))
object += 1
assert object.value == 2
def test__isub__(self):
"""Test __isub__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __isub__(self, other):
return self.__class__(self.value - other)
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(2)
object -= 1
assert object.value == 1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(2))
object -= 1
assert object.value == 1
def test__imul__(self):
"""Test __imul__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __imul__(self, other):
return self.__class__(self.value * other)
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(2)
object *= 2
assert object.value == 4
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(2))
object *= 2
assert object.value == 4
def test__idiv__(self):
"""Test __idiv__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __idiv__(self, other):
return self.__class__(self.value / other)
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(4)
object /= 2
assert object.value == 2
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(4))
object /= 2
assert object.value == 2
def test__imod__(self):
"""Test __imod__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __imod__(self, other):
return self.__class__(self.value % other)
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(101)
object %= 10
assert object.value == 1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(101))
object %= 10
assert object.value == 1
def test__ipow__(self):
"""Test __ipow__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __ipow__(self, other):
return self.__class__(self.value ** other)
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(10)
object **= 2
assert object.value == 100
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(10))
object **= 2
assert object.value == 100
def test__ilshift__(self):
"""Test __ilshift__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __ilshift__(self, other):
return self.__class__(self.value << other)
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(100)
object <<= 2
assert object.value == 400
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(100))
object <<= 2
assert object.value == 400
def test__irshift__(self):
"""Test __irshift__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __irshift__(self, other):
return self.__class__(self.value >> other)
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(100)
object >>= 2
assert object.value == 25
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(100))
object >>= 2
assert object.value == 25
def test__iand__(self):
"""Test __iand__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __iand__(self, other):
return self.__class__(self.value & other)
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(1)
object &= 1
assert object.value == 1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(1))
object &= 1
assert object.value == 1
def test__ixor__(self):
"""Test __ixor__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __ixor__(self, other):
return self.__class__(self.value ^ other)
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(1)
object ^= 1
assert object.value == 0
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(1))
object ^= 1
assert object.value == 0
def test__ior__(self):
"""Test __ior__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __ior__(self, other):
return self.__class__(self.value | other)
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(1)
object |= 1
assert object.value == 1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(1))
object |= 1
assert object.value == 1
# Test delegation of unary arithmetic operations.
def test__pos__(self):
"""Test __pos__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __pos__(self):
if self.value < 0:
return self.__class__(-(self.value))
return self.__class__(self.value)
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(-1)
object = +(object)
assert object.value == 1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(-1))
object = +(object)
assert object.value == 1
def test__neg__(self):
"""Test __neg__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __neg__(self):
return self.__class__(-(self.value))
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(1)
object = -(object)
assert object.value == -1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(1))
object = -(object)
assert object.value == -1
def test__abs__(self):
"""Test __abs__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __abs__(self):
return self.__class__(abs(self.value))
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(-1)
object = abs(object)
assert object.value == 1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(-1))
object = abs(object)
assert object.value == 1
def test__invert__(self):
"""Test __invert__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __invert__(self):
return self.__class__(~(self.value))
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(9)
object = ~(object)
assert object.value == -10
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(9))
object = ~(object)
assert object.value == -10
# Test delegation of numeric type coercion.
def test__int__(self):
"""Test __int__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __int__(self):
return int(self.value)
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(1)
assert int(object) == 1
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(1))
assert int(object) == 1
def test__long__(self):
"""Test __long__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __long__(self):
return long(self.value)
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(1)
assert long(object) == long(1)
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(1))
assert long(object) == long(1)
def test__float__(self):
"""Test __float__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __float__(self):
return float(self.value)
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(1)
assert float(object) == float(1)
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(1))
assert float(object) == float(1)
def test__complex__(self):
"""Test __complex__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __complex__(self):
return complex(self.value)
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(1)
assert complex(object) == complex(1)
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(1))
assert complex(object) == complex(1)
# Test delegation of overridable __oct__ and __hex__
def test__oct__(self):
"""Test __oct__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __oct__(self):
return oct(self.value)
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(10)
assert oct(object) == '012'
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(10))
assert oct(object) == '012'
def test__hex__(self):
"""Test __hex__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __hex__(self):
return hex(self.value)
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(10)
assert hex(object) == '0xa'
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(10))
assert hex(object) == '0xa'
# Test delegation of mixed-mode coercion
def test__coerce__(self):
"""Test __coerce__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __coerce__(self, other):
return (self.value, int(other))
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass(10)
assert coerce(object, 10.0) == (10, 10)
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass(10))
assert coerce(object, 10.0) == (10, 10)
# Test delegation of overridable sequence protocol methods.
def test__contains__(self):
"""Test __contains__ delegation."""
class PythonClass:
def __contains__(self, item):
return 1
class DerivedClass(self.BaseClass, PythonClass):
object = PythonClass()
assert 's' in object
object = self.fixup_inst(DerivedClass())
assert 's' in object
class ExtensionClassTests(MagicMethodTests):
"""Test ExtensionClass"""
def test_suite():
suite_01 = unittest.makeSuite(ExtensionClassTests)
return unittest.TestSuite((suite_01,))
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
--- Updated File testAcquisition.py in package Zope2/lib/Components/ExtensionClass --
--- testAcquisition.py 2001/03/27 03:38:15 1.1
+++ testAcquisition.py 2001/04/06 21:01:40 1.2
@@ -1,293 +1,43 @@
"""Acquisition unit tests."""
-import unittest, string
-from operator import truth
+from testExtensionClass import MagicMethodTests
from Acquisition import Implicit
from Acquisition import Explicit
+from operator import truth
+import unittest, string
-class AcquisitionTests (unittest.TestCase):
- def testImplicitTruthSemanticsDefault(self):
- """Check wrapper truth semantics against those of python objects
- without __len__ or __nonzero__ definitions."""
- class PyObject:
- # plain object, no __len__ or __nonzero__
- pass
- class AqObject(Implicit, PyObject):
- pass
- object = PyObject()
- assert truth(object) == 1
- parent = AqObject()
- parent.object = AqObject()
- object = parent.object
- assert truth(object) == 1
- def testImplicitTruthSemanticsWithNonZero(self):
- """Check wrapper truth semantics against those of python objects
- with __nonzero__ defined."""
- class PyObject:
- def __nonzero__(self):
- return 0
- class AqObject(Implicit, PyObject):
- pass
- object = PyObject()
- assert truth(object) == 0
- parent = AqObject()
- parent.object = AqObject()
- object = parent.object
- assert truth(object) == 0
- class PyObject:
- def __nonzero__(self):
- return 1
- class AqObject(Implicit, PyObject):
- pass
- object = PyObject()
- assert truth(object) == 1
- parent = AqObject()
- parent.object = AqObject()
- object = parent.object
- assert truth(object) == 1
- def testImplicitTruthSemanticsWithLen(self):
- """Check wrapper truth semantics against those of python objects
- with __len__ defined."""
- class PyObject:
- def __len__(self):
- return 0
- class AqObject(Implicit, PyObject):
- pass
- object = PyObject()
- assert truth(object) == 0
- parent = AqObject()
- parent.object = AqObject()
- object = parent.object
- assert truth(object) == 0
- class PyObject:
- def __len__(self):
- return 1
- class AqObject(Implicit, PyObject):
- pass
- object = PyObject()
- assert truth(object) == 1
- parent = AqObject()
- parent.object = AqObject()
- object = parent.object
- assert truth(object) == 1
- def testImplicitTruthSemanticsWithNonZeroAndLen(self):
- """Check wrapper truth semantics against those of python objects
- with __nonzero__ and __len__ defined."""
- class PyObject:
- def __nonzero__(self):
- return 0
- def __len__(self):
- return 1
- class AqObject(Implicit, PyObject):
- pass
- object = PyObject()
- assert truth(object) == 0
- assert len(object) == 1
- parent = AqObject()
- parent.object = AqObject()
- object = parent.object
- assert truth(object) == 0
- assert len(object) == 1
- class PyObject:
- def __nonzero__(self):
- return 1
- def __len__(self):
- return 0
- class AqObject(Implicit, PyObject):
- pass
- object = PyObject()
- assert truth(object) == 1
- assert len(object) == 0
- parent = AqObject()
- parent.object = AqObject()
- object = parent.object
- assert truth(object) == 1
- assert len(object) == 0
- def testExplicitTruthSemanticsDefault(self):
- """Check wrapper truth semantics against those of python objects
- without __len__ or __nonzero__ definitions."""
- class PyObject:
- # plain object, no __len__ or __nonzero__
- pass
- class AqObject(Explicit, PyObject):
- pass
- object = PyObject()
- assert truth(object) == 1
- parent = AqObject()
- parent.object = AqObject()
- object = parent.object
- assert truth(object) == 1
- def testExplicitTruthSemanticsWithNonZero(self):
- """Check wrapper truth semantics against those of python objects
- with __nonzero__ defined."""
- class PyObject:
- def __nonzero__(self):
- return 0
- class AqObject(Explicit, PyObject):
- pass
- object = PyObject()
- assert truth(object) == 0
- parent = AqObject()
- parent.object = AqObject()
- object = parent.object
- assert truth(object) == 0
- class PyObject:
- def __nonzero__(self):
- return 1
- class AqObject(Explicit, PyObject):
- pass
- object = PyObject()
- assert truth(object) == 1
- parent = AqObject()
- parent.object = AqObject()
- object = parent.object
- assert truth(object) == 1
- def testExplicitTruthSemanticsWithLen(self):
- """Check wrapper truth semantics against those of python objects
- with __len__ defined."""
- class PyObject:
- def __len__(self):
- return 0
- class AqObject(Explicit, PyObject):
- pass
- object = PyObject()
- assert truth(object) == 0
- parent = AqObject()
- parent.object = AqObject()
- object = parent.object
- assert truth(object) == 0
- class PyObject:
- def __len__(self):
- return 1
- class AqObject(Explicit, PyObject):
- pass
- object = PyObject()
- assert truth(object) == 1
- parent = AqObject()
- parent.object = AqObject()
- object = parent.object
- assert truth(object) == 1
- def testExplicitTruthSemanticsWithNonZeroAndLen(self):
- """Check wrapper truth semantics against those of python objects
- with __nonzero__ and __len__ defined."""
- class PyObject:
- def __nonzero__(self):
- return 0
+class ImplicitWrapperTests(MagicMethodTests):
+ """Implicit acquisition wrapper tests."""
- def __len__(self):
- return 1
+ BaseClass = Implicit
- class AqObject(Explicit, PyObject):
+ def fixup_inst(self, object):
+ """Create a simple acquisition chain."""
+ class GenericWrapper(self.BaseClass):
+ parent = GenericWrapper()
+ parent.object = object
+ return parent.object
- object = PyObject()
- assert truth(object) == 0
- assert len(object) == 1
- parent = AqObject()
- parent.object = AqObject()
- object = parent.object
- assert truth(object) == 0
- assert len(object) == 1
+class ExplicitWrapperTests(ImplicitWrapperTests):
+ """Explicit acquisition wrapper tests."""
- class PyObject:
- def __nonzero__(self):
- return 1
+ BaseClass = Explicit
- def __len__(self):
- return 0
- class AqObject(Explicit, PyObject):
- pass
- object = PyObject()
- assert truth(object) == 1
- assert len(object) == 0
- parent = AqObject()
- parent.object = AqObject()
- object = parent.object
- assert truth(object) == 1
- assert len(object) == 0
+def test_suite():
+ suite_01 = unittest.makeSuite(ImplicitWrapperTests)
+ suite_02 = unittest.makeSuite(ExplicitWrapperTests)
+ return unittest.TestSuite((suite_01, suite_02))
+def main():
+ unittest.TextTestRunner().run(test_suite())
-def test_suite():
- return unittest.makeSuite(AcquisitionTests)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()