[Zodb-checkins] CVS: StandaloneZODB/ZEO/tests - winserver.py:1.1 forker.py:1.6 testZEO.py:1.10
Jeremy Hylton
Thu, 16 Aug 2001 16:32:19 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/StandaloneZODB/ZEO/tests
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv13314
Modified Files:
forker.py testZEO.py
Added Files:
Log Message:
Add rudiments of a ZEO test framework for Windows
winserver.py: A small script that runs a ZEO StorageServer and a ZEOTestServer.
The ZEOTestServer is used to kill the StorageServer during a unit test's
teardown phases. As soon as a client connects to that server, it exits
the process.
forker.py: Now forks and spawns, depending on os.
XXX This needs to be cleaned up a lot, since the interfaces on Windows and
Unix are nothing alike.
testZEO.py: Add WindowsGenericTests and WindowsZEOFileStorageTests.
These test cases use the Windows-specific forker interface. They also
use getStorageInfo() to describe the storage, rather than getStorage()
to create the storage. This is necessary because the storage instance
is created in a separate process.
=== Added File StandaloneZODB/ZEO/tests/winserver.py ===
"""Helper file used to launch ZEO server for Windows tests"""
import asyncore
import os
import random
import socket
import threading
import types
import ZEO.StorageServer
class ZEOTestServer(asyncore.dispatcher):
"""A trivial server for killing a server at the end of a test
The server calls os._exit() as soon as it is connected to. No
chance to even send some data down the socket.
__super_init = asyncore.dispatcher.__init__
def __init__(self, addr):
if type(addr) == types.StringType:
self.create_socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
def handle_accept(self):
sock, addr = self.accept()
def load_storage_class(name):
package = __import__("ZODB." + name)
mod = getattr(package, name)
return getattr(mod, name)
def main(port, storage_name, args):
klass = load_storage_class(storage_name)
storage = klass(*args)
zeo_port = int(port)
test_port = zeo_port + 1
t = ZEOTestServer(('', test_port))
## t = threading.Thread(target=ZEOTestServer, args=(('', test_port),))
## t.start()
serv = ZEO.StorageServer.StorageServer(('', zeo_port), {'1': storage})
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
main(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3:])
=== StandaloneZODB/ZEO/tests/forker.py 1.5 => 1.6 ===
import os
import profile
+import random
+import socket
import sys
+import threading
import time
import types
import ThreadedAsync
@@ -12,80 +15,98 @@
-class ZEOServerExit(asyncore.file_dispatcher):
- """Used to exit ZEO.StorageServer when run is done"""
+if os.name == "nt":
- def writable(self):
- return 0
+ def start_zeo_server(storage_name, args):
+ """Start a ZEO server in a separate process.
- def readable(self):
- return 1
+ Returns the ZEO port, the test server port, and the pid.
+ """
+ import ZEO.tests.winserver
+ port = random.randrange(20000, 30000)
+ script = ZEO.tests.winserver.__file__
+ if script.endswith('.pyc'):
+ script = script[:-1]
+ args = (sys.executable, script, str(port), storage_name) + args
+ pid = os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT, sys.executable, args)
+ return ('localhost', port), ('localhost', port + 1), pid
+ class ZEOServerExit(asyncore.file_dispatcher):
+ """Used to exit ZEO.StorageServer when run is done"""
+ def writable(self):
+ return 0
+ def readable(self):
+ return 1
+ def handle_read(self):
+ buf = self.recv(4)
+ if buf:
+ assert buf == "done"
+ asyncore.socket_map.clear()
- def handle_read(self):
- buf = self.recv(4)
- if buf:
- assert buf == "done"
+ def handle_close(self):
- def handle_close(self):
- asyncore.socket_map.clear()
-class ZEOClientExit:
- """Used by client to cause server to exit"""
- def __init__(self, pipe):
- self.pipe = pipe
- def close(self):
- os.write(self.pipe, "done")
-def start_zeo_server(storage, addr):
- rd, wr = os.pipe()
- pid = os.fork()
- if pid == 0:
- p = profile.Profile()
- p.runctx("run_server(storage, addr, rd, wr)", globals(),
- locals())
- p.dump_stats("stats.s.%d" % os.getpid())
+ class ZEOClientExit:
+ """Used by client to cause server to exit"""
+ def __init__(self, pipe):
+ self.pipe = pipe
+ def close(self):
+ os.write(self.pipe, "done")
+ def start_zeo_server(storage, addr):
+ rd, wr = os.pipe()
+ pid = os.fork()
+ if pid == 0:
+ p = profile.Profile()
+ p.runctx("run_server(storage, addr, rd, wr)", globals(),
+ locals())
+ p.dump_stats("stats.s.%d" % os.getpid())
+ else:
+ run_server(storage, addr, rd, wr)
+ os._exit(0)
+ else:
+ os.close(rd)
+ return pid, ZEOClientExit(wr)
+ def run_server(storage, addr, rd, wr):
+ # in the child, run the storage server
+ os.close(wr)
+ ZEOServerExit(rd)
+ serv = ZEO.StorageServer.StorageServer(addr, {'1':storage})
+ asyncore.loop()
+ storage.close()
+ if isinstance(addr, types.StringType):
+ os.unlink(addr)
+ def start_zeo(storage, cache=None, cleanup=None, domain="AF_INET",
+ storage_id="1", cache_size=20000000):
+ """Setup ZEO client-server for storage.
+ Returns a ClientStorage instance and a ZEOClientExit instance.
+ XXX Don't know if os.pipe() will work on Windows.
+ """
+ if domain == "AF_INET":
+ import random
+ addr = '', random.randrange(2000, 3000)
+ elif domain == "AF_UNIX":
+ import tempfile
+ addr = tempfile.mktemp()
- run_server(storage, addr, rd, wr)
- os._exit(0)
- else:
- os.close(rd)
- return pid, ZEOClientExit(wr)
-def run_server(storage, addr, rd, wr):
- # in the child, run the storage server
- os.close(wr)
- ZEOServerExit(rd)
- serv = ZEO.StorageServer.StorageServer(addr, {'1':storage})
- asyncore.loop()
- storage.close()
- if isinstance(addr, types.StringType):
- os.unlink(addr)
-def start_zeo(storage, cache=None, cleanup=None, domain="AF_INET",
- storage_id="1", cache_size=20000000):
- """Setup ZEO client-server for storage.
- Returns a ClientStorage instance and a ZEOClientExit instance.
- XXX Don't know if os.pipe() will work on Windows.
- """
- if domain == "AF_INET":
- import random
- addr = '', random.randrange(2000, 3000)
- elif domain == "AF_UNIX":
- import tempfile
- addr = tempfile.mktemp()
- else:
- raise ValueError, "bad domain: %s" % domain
- pid, exit = start_zeo_server(storage, addr)
- s = ZEO.ClientStorage.ClientStorage(addr, storage_id,
- debug=1, client=cache,
- cache_size=cache_size,
- min_disconnect_poll=0.5)
- return s, exit, pid
+ raise ValueError, "bad domain: %s" % domain
+ pid, exit = start_zeo_server(storage, addr)
+ s = ZEO.ClientStorage.ClientStorage(addr, storage_id,
+ debug=1, client=cache,
+ cache_size=cache_size,
+ min_disconnect_poll=0.5)
+ return s, exit, pid
=== StandaloneZODB/ZEO/tests/testZEO.py 1.9 => 1.10 ===
import os
import random
+import socket
import sys
import tempfile
import time
@@ -163,7 +164,57 @@
# file storage appears to create four files
for ext in '', '.index', '.lock', '.tmp':
path = self.__fs_base + ext
- os.unlink(path)
+ try:
+ os.remove(path)
+ except os.error:
+ pass
+class WindowsGenericTests(GenericTests):
+ """Subclass to support server creation on Windows.
+ On Windows, the getStorage() design won't work because the storage
+ can't be created in the parent process and passed to the child.
+ All the work has to be done in the server's process.
+ """
+ __super_setUp = StorageTestBase.StorageTestBase.setUp
+ __super_tearDown = StorageTestBase.StorageTestBase.tearDown
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.__super_setUp()
+ args = self.getStorageInfo()
+ name = args[0]
+ args = args[1:]
+ zeo_addr, self.test_addr, self.test_pid = \
+ forker.start_zeo_server(name, args)
+ storage = ZEO.ClientStorage.ClientStorage(zeo_addr, debug=1,
+ min_disconnect_poll=0.5)
+ self._storage = PackWaitWrapper(storage)
+ storage.registerDB(DummyDB(), None)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self._storage.close()
+ s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ s.connect(self.test_addr)
+ # the connection should cause the storage server to die
+## os.waitpid(self.test_pid, 0)
+ time.sleep(0.5)
+ self.delStorage()
+ self.__super_tearDown()
+class WindowsZEOFileStorageTests(WindowsGenericTests):
+ def getStorageInfo(self):
+ self.__fs_base = tempfile.mktemp()
+ return 'FileStorage', self.__fs_base, '1'
+ def delStorage(self):
+ # file storage appears to create four files
+ for ext in '', '.index', '.lock', '.tmp':
+ path = self.__fs_base + ext
+ try:
+ os.remove(path)
+ except os.error:
+ pass
class ConnectionTests(ZEOTestBase):
"""Tests that explicitly manage the server process.
@@ -296,6 +347,13 @@
meth[k] = 1
return meth.keys()
+if os.name == "posix":
+ test_classes = ZEOFileStorageTests, ConnectionTests
+elif os.name == "nt":
+ test_classes = WindowsZEOFileStorageTests
+ raise RuntimeError, "unsupported os: %s" % os.name
def makeTestSuite(testname=''):
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
name = 'check' + testname
@@ -304,6 +362,9 @@
if meth.startswith(name):
return suite
+def test_suite():
+ return unittest.makeSuite(WindowsZEOFileStorageTests, 'check')
def main():
import sys, getopt