[Zodb-checkins] CVS: StandaloneZODB - README:

Barry Warsaw barry@wooz.org
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 19:13:06 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/StandaloneZODB
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv17795

Modified Files:
      Tag: StandaloneZODB-1_0-branch
Log Message:
Updated readme with more links and corrected information.

=== StandaloneZODB/README 1.1 => ===
+This is the README for the StandaloneZODB 1.0 beta 1 release.
-The StandaloneZODB package provides a set of tools for using ZODB in
-Python programs separately from Zope.  The tools you get are
-indentical to the ones provided in Zope, because they come from the
-same source repository.  But they have been pacakged for use in
-standalone applications.
-StandaloneZODB is known to work with Python 2.1.  It does not work
-with Python 2.2 and may not work with versions of Python earlier than
-StandaloneZODB is packaged with distutils.  To build it, run the setup
-    python setup.py build
-To test the build, run the test script.  (Many of the tests will not
-work properly on Windows.  We are working on fixing this.)
-    python test.py
-If the tests succeeded, you can install StandaloneZODB using the test
-    python setup.py install
+Please see the LICENSE file for terms and conditions.
-There is more information about ZODB at http://www.zope.org/Wikis/ZODB.
-Send questions to zodb-dev@zope.org.
+    The StandaloneZODB package provides a set of tools for using the Z
+    Object Database (ZODB) in Python programs separately from Zope.
+    The tools you get are identical to the ones provided in Zope,
+    because they come from the same source repository.  They have been
+    packaged for use in non-Zope stand alone Python applications.
+    StandaloneZODB is known to work with with all Python versions from
+    Python 2.1 to Python 2.2.  It may or may not work with versions
+    earlier than Python 2.1.  Our primary development platform is
+    Linux, but everything should work on most Un*x platforms, and
+    we've tested this distribution on Windows with what will be the
+    Python 2.2 final release (it may or may not work on Windows with
+    earlier Python releases).
+    The components you get with the StandaloneZODB release are as follows:
+	- Core ZODB, including the persistence machinery
+	- Standard storages such as FileStorage
+	- Supporting modules such as ExtensionClass
+	- The persistent BTrees modules
+	- ZEO
+	- Experimental Berkeley storages
+	- Some documentation <wink>
+    StandaloneZODB is released as a distutils package.  To build it,
+    run the setup script:
+	% python setup.py build
+    To test the build, run the test script.
+	% python test.py
+    For more verbose test output, append one or two `-v' arguments to
+    this command.
+    If all the tests succeeded, you can install StandaloneZODB using
+    the setup script:
+	% python setup.py install
+    This should now make all of ZODB accessible to your Python
+    programs.  You can test this by cd'ing to your home directory and
+    typing the following commands:
+	% python
+	Python 2.2c1+ (#2, Dec 19 2001, 12:00:04) 
+	[GCC 2.95.3 19991030 (prerelease)] on linux2
+	Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
+	>>> import ZODB
+	>>> import ZODB.FileStorage
+	>>> ZODB.FileStorage.__version__
+	''
+	>>> 
+    (Note that the version numbers might be different.)
+    The StandaloneZODB release is related to, and takes inspiration from
+    Andrew Kuchling's ZODB project on SourceForge.  Currently the core
+    code base is largely similar, and we distribute Andrew's programmers
+    guide (see below) with our release.  Andrew's project has some
+    additional utilities and tools which we don't (yet) distribute.  It's
+    likely that we will continue to merge the two projects, since we all
+    agree it makes little sense to keep them separated.  For more
+    information, see
+	http://zodb.sf.net
+More information
+    We maintain a wiki page about all things ZODB, including status on
+    future directions for ZODB.  Please see
+	http://www.zope.org/Wikis/ZODB
+    and feel free to contribute your comments.  There is a Mailman
+    mailing list in place to discuss all issues related to ZODB.  You
+    can send questions to
+	zodb-dev@zope.org
+    or subscribe at
+	http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zodb-dev
+    Andrew's ZODB Programmers Guide is made available in several
+    forms, including DVI and HTML.  To view it online, point your
+    browser at the file Doc/guide/zodb/index.html