[Zodb-checkins] CVS: ZODB4/ZEO/tests - forker.py:1.18

Barry Warsaw barry@wooz.org
Mon, 16 Dec 2002 16:11:52 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/ZODB4/ZEO/tests
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv7707

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Forward port from zodb3, use one true way to spawn the zeo server
subproc for both windows and unix.

Also use True/False for all booleans.

One addition made here that needs to be backported to zodb3: the
`keep' flag to start_zeo_server() which tells the subprocess whether
the database files should be cleaned up or not when done.  The
read-only tests need to preserve the temp files.

=== ZODB4/ZEO/tests/forker.py 1.17 => 1.18 ===
--- ZODB4/ZEO/tests/forker.py:1.17	Fri Nov 22 16:24:53 2002
+++ ZODB4/ZEO/tests/forker.py	Mon Dec 16 16:11:52 2002
@@ -13,20 +13,23 @@
 """Library for forking storage server and connecting client storage"""
-import asyncore
 import os
+import sys
+import time
+import errno
 import random
 import socket
-import sys
+import tempfile
 import traceback
-import types
-import ZEO.ClientStorage
+import zLOG
 # Change value of PROFILE to enable server-side profiling
+PROFILE = False
     import hotshot
 def get_port():
     """Return a port that is not in use.
@@ -48,130 +51,62 @@
     raise RuntimeError, "Can't find port"
-if os.name == "nt":
-    def start_zeo_server(storage_name, args, addr=None, ro_svr=0):
-        """Start a ZEO server in a separate process.
-        Returns the ZEO port, the test server port, and the pid.
-        """
-        import ZEO.tests.winserver
-        if addr is None:
-            port = get_port()
-        else:
-            port = addr[1]
-        script = ZEO.tests.winserver.__file__
-        if script.endswith('.pyc'):
-            script = script[:-1]
-        if ro_svr:
-            prefix = (sys.executable, script, "-r")
-        else:
-            prefix = (sys.executable, script)
-        args = prefix + (str(port), storage_name) + args
-        d = os.environ.copy()
-        d['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join(sys.path)
-        pid = os.spawnve(os.P_NOWAIT, sys.executable, args, d)
-        return ('localhost', port), ('localhost', port + 1), pid
-    class ZEOServerExit(asyncore.file_dispatcher):
-        """Used to exit ZEO.StorageServer when run is done"""
-        def writable(self):
-            return 0
-        def readable(self):
-            return 1
-        def handle_read(self):
-            buf = self.recv(4)
-            if buf:
-                assert buf == "done"
-                server.close_server()
-                asyncore.socket_map.clear()
-        def handle_close(self):
-            server.close_server()
-            asyncore.socket_map.clear()
-    class ZEOClientExit:
-        """Used by client to cause server to exit"""
-        def __init__(self, pipe):
-            self.pipe = pipe
+def start_zeo_server(conf, addr=None, ro_svr=False, keep=False):
+    """Start a ZEO server in a separate process.
-        def close(self):
-            try:
-                os.write(self.pipe, "done")
-                os.close(self.pipe)
-            except os.error:
-                pass
-    def start_zeo_server(storage_name, args, addr, ro_svr=0):
-        assert isinstance(args, types.TupleType)
-        rd, wr = os.pipe()
-        pid = os.fork()
-        if pid == 0:
-            asyncore.socket_map.clear() # Don't service the parent's sockets
-            import ZEO.zrpc.log
-            reload(ZEO.zrpc.log) # Don't share the logging file object
-            try:
-                if PROFILE:
-                    p = hotshot.Profile("stats.s.%d" % os.getpid())
-                    p.runctx(
-                        "run_server(addr, rd, wr, storage_name, args, ro_svr)",
-                        globals(), locals())
-                    p.close()
-                else:
-                    run_server(addr, rd, wr, storage_name, args, ro_svr)
-            except:
-                print "Exception in ZEO server process"
-                traceback.print_exc()
-            os._exit(0)
-        else:
-            os.close(rd)
-            return pid, ZEOClientExit(wr)
-    def load_storage(name, args):
-        package = __import__("ZODB." + name)
-        mod = getattr(package, name)
-        klass = getattr(mod, name)
-        return klass(*args)
-    def run_server(addr, rd, wr, storage_name, args, ro_svr):
-        # in the child, run the storage server
-        global server
-        os.close(wr)
-        ZEOServerExit(rd)
-        import ZEO.StorageServer, ZEO.zrpc.server
-        storage = load_storage(storage_name, args)
-        server = ZEO.StorageServer.StorageServer(addr, {'1':storage}, ro_svr)
-        ZEO.zrpc.server.loop()
-        storage.close()
-        if isinstance(addr, types.StringType):
-            os.unlink(addr)
-    def start_zeo(storage_name, args, cache=None, cleanup=None,
-                  domain="AF_INET", storage_id="1", cache_size=20000000):
-        """Setup ZEO client-server for storage.
-        Returns a ClientStorage instance and a ZEOClientExit instance.
-        XXX Don't know if os.pipe() will work on Windows.
-        """
-        if domain == "AF_INET":
-            addr = '', get_port()
-        elif domain == "AF_UNIX":
-            import tempfile
-            addr = tempfile.mktemp()
-        else:
-            raise ValueError, "bad domain: %s" % domain
-        pid, exit = start_zeo_server(storage_name, args, addr)
-        s = ZEO.ClientStorage.ClientStorage(addr, storage_id,
-                                            client=cache,
-                                            cache_size=cache_size,
-                                            min_disconnect_poll=0.5,
-                                            wait=1)
-        return s, exit, pid
+    Returns the ZEO port, the test server port, and the pid.
+    """
+    # Store the config info in a temp file.
+    tmpfile = tempfile.mktemp()
+    fp = open(tmpfile, 'w')
+    fp.write(conf)
+    fp.close()
+    # Create the server
+    import ZEO.tests.zeoserver
+    if addr is None:
+        port = get_port()
+    else:
+        port = addr[1]
+    script = ZEO.tests.zeoserver.__file__
+    if script.endswith('.pyc'):
+        script = script[:-1]
+    # Create a list of arguments, which we'll tuplify below
+    args = [sys.executable, script, '-C', tmpfile]
+    if ro_svr:
+        args.append('-r')
+    if keep:
+        args.append('-k')
+    args.append(str(port))
+    d = os.environ.copy()
+    d['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join(sys.path)
+    pid = os.spawnve(os.P_NOWAIT, sys.executable, tuple(args), d)
+    adminaddr = ('localhost', port+1)
+    # We need to wait until the server starts, but not forever
+    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+    for i in range(5):
+        try:
+            zLOG.LOG('forker', zLOG.DEBUG, 'connect %s' % i)
+            s.connect(adminaddr)
+            ack = s.recv(1024)
+            zLOG.LOG('forker', zLOG.DEBUG, 'acked: %s' % ack)
+            break
+        except socket.error, e:
+            if e[0] <> errno.ECONNREFUSED: raise
+            time.sleep(1)
+    else:
+        zLOG.LOG('forker', zLOG.DEBUG, 'boo hoo')
+        raise
+    return ('localhost', port), adminaddr, pid
+def shutdown_zeo_server(adminaddr):
+    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+    s.connect(adminaddr)
+    try:
+        ack = s.recv(1024)
+    except socket.error, e:
+        if e[0] <> errno.ECONNRESET: raise
+        ack = 'no ack received'
+    zLOG.LOG('shutdownServer', zLOG.DEBUG, 'acked: %s' % ack)
+    s.close()