[Zodb-checkins] CVS: ZEO/doc - ZopeREADME.txt: start.txt:

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@zope.com
Tue, 21 May 2002 01:43:04 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/ZEO/doc
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv26953/doc

Added Files:
      Tag: ZEO2-branch
	ZopeREADME.txt start.txt 
Log Message:
Start moving stuff to the doc tree

=== Added File ZEO/doc/ZopeREADME.txt ===
Zope Enterprise Objects


    ZEO 2.0 requires Zope 2.4 or higher and Python 2.1 or higher.
    If you use Python 2.1, we recommend the latest minor release
    (2.1.3 as of this writing) because it includes a few bug fixes
    that affect ZEO.

    Put the package (the ZEO directory, without any wrapping directory
    included in a distribution) in your Zope lib/python.

    The setup.py script in the top-level ZEO directory can also be
    used.  Run "python setup.py install --home=ZOPE" where ZOPE is the
    top-level Zope directory.

  Starting (and configuring) the ZEO Server

    To start the storage server, go to your Zope install directory and::

      python lib/python/ZEO/start.py -p port_number

    (Run start without arguments to see options.)

    Of course, the server and the client don't have to be on the same

    If the server and client *are* on the same machine, then you can use 
    a Unix domain socket::

      python lib/python/ZEO/start.py -U filename

    The start script provides a number of options not documented here.
    See docs/start.txt for more information.
  Running Zope as a ZEO client

    To get Zope to use the server, create a custom_zodb module,
    custom_zodb.py, in your Zope install directory, so that Zope uses a

      from ZEO.ClientStorage import ClientStorage
      Storage = ClientStorage(('',port_number))

    (See the misc/custom_zodb.py for an example.)

    You can specify a host name (rather than '') if you want.  The port
    number is, of course, the port number used to start the storage

    You can also give the name of a Unix domain socket file::

      import ZEO.ClientStorage

    There are a number of configuration options available for the
    ClientStorage. See doc/ClientStorage.txt for details.

    If you want a persistent client cache which retains cache contents
    across ClientStorage restarts, you need to define the environment
    variable, ZEO_CLIENT, to a unique name for the client.  This is
    needed so that unique cache name files can be computed.  Otherwise,
    the client cache is stored in temporary files which are removed when
    the ClientStorage shuts down.  For example, to start two Zope
    processes with unique caches, use something like:

      python z2.py -P8700 ZEO_CLIENT=8700
      python z2.py -P8800 ZEO_CLIENT=8800

  Zope product installation

    Normally, Zope updates the Zope database during startup to reflect
    product changes or new products found. It makes no sense for
    multiple ZEO clients to do the same installation. Further, if
    different clients have different software installed, the correct
    state of the database is ambiguous.

    Starting in Zope 2.2, Zope will not modify the Zope database
    during product installation if the environment variable ZEO_CLIENT
    is set. 

    Normally, Zope ZEO clients should be run with ZEO_CLIENT set so
    that product initialization is not performed.

    If you do install new Zope products, then you need to take a
    special step to cause the new products to be properly registered
    in the database.  The easiest way to do this is to start Zope
    once with the environment variable FORCE_PRODUCT_LOAD set.

    The interaction between ZEO and Zope product installation is
    unfortunate.  In the future, this interaction will be removed by 

=== Added File ZEO/doc/start.txt ===
The ZEO Server start script, start.py

  ZEO provides a Python script for starting the ZEO server.  The ZEO
  server is implemented as a Python class and could be used with other
  main programs, however, a simple ZEO server is provided for convenience.

  Basic usage

    To start the storage server, go to your Zope install directory and::

      python lib/python/ZEO/start.py -p port_number

    (Run start without arguments to see options.)

    Of course, the server and the client don't have to be on the same

    If the server and client *are* on the same machine, then you can use 
    a Unix domain socket::

      python lib/python/ZEO/start.py -U filename

  Serving custom storages or multiple storages with the storage server

    The Storage server can host multiple storages and can
    host any kind of storage. Each storage has a unique storage
    name.  By default, the ZEO start.py script serves a 
    standard FileStorage with the name '1'.

    You can control what storages are served by creating a Python
    file containing definitions for the storages and using the '-S'
    option to the start.py script to indicate the storage
    to be served. The form of the -S option is::



	storage_name -- is the storage name used in the ZEO protocol.
	   This is the name that you give as the optional
	   'storage' keyword argument to the ClientStorage constructor.

	module_path -- This is the path to a Python module
	   that defines the storage object(s) to be served.
	   The module path should ommit the prefix (e.g. '.py').

	attribute_name -- This is the name to which the storage object
	  is assigned in the module.

    Consider the following example. I want to serve a FileStorage
    in read-only mode, which I define in the module file 

      import ZODB.FileStorage
      Storage=FileStorage.FileStorage('/stores/fs1.fs', read_only=1)

    I then start start.py with the argument::

      python lib/python/ZEO/start.py -U /xxx/var/zeo.sock \
        -S 1=/stores/fs:Storage

    This option says to serve storage '1'. Storage '1' is
    found in attribute 'Storage' from the module

    Now consider a more complicated example. I want to serve the storage
    from the previous example. I also want to serve two Oracle
    storages that are defined in the file '/stores/oracle.py'::

      import DCOracle, DCOracleStorage
        lambda : DCOracle.Connect('system/manager@spamservice')
        lambda : DCOracle.Connect('scott/tiger@spamservice')

    I simply need to include three -S options::

      python lib/python/ZEO/start.py -U /xxx/var/zeo.sock \
        -Ssystem=/stores/oracle:system                 \
        -Sscott=/stores/oracle:scott                   \

    In this case, we made the storage and attribute name the
    same. To connect to the 'system' or 'scott' storage, we
    need to specify the storage in the ClientStorage constructor, as

      import ZEO.ClientStorage
          '/xxx/var/zeo.sock', storage='scott')


    The ZEO server start script is run with one or more command line
    options. An optional FileStorage file name may be provided after the
    options. The options are as follows:

     -D -- Run in debug mode

	In debug mode, the process is not run in the background
	and detailed debugging information is logged. 

	Note that to actually log this information, you need to
	configure logging to include very low-severity (< -300) log
	entries. For example, to configure the stupid logger to log
	these messages, set the environment veriable

     -U -- Unix-domain socket file to listen on

	If you want to accept connections on a Unix domain socket, then
	use this option to specify the socket file name.

     -u username or uid number

       The username to run the ZEO server as. You may want to run
       the ZEO server as 'zope' or some other user with limited
       resouces. The only works under Unix, and if ZServer is
       started by root.

       If the server *is* started as root, the 'nobody' user if this
       option isn't used.

     -p port -- port to listen on

       Use this option together with the '-h' option to specify a host
       and port to listen on.

     -h adddress -- host address to listen on

       Use this option together with the '-p' option to specify a host
       and port to listen on.

     -s -- Don't use zdeamon

       This option has no effect on Unix.

     -S storage_name=module_path:attr_name -- A storage specification


	  storage_name -- is the storage name used in the ZEO protocol.
	     This is the name that you give as the optional
	     'storage' keyword argument to the ClientStorage constructor.

	  module_path -- This is the path to a Python module
	     that defines the storage object(s) to be served.
	     The module path should ommit the prefix (e.g. '.py').

	  attr_name -- This is the name to which the storage object
	    is assigned in the module.