[Zodb-checkins] CVS: ZODB3/ZODB - config.py:

Barry Warsaw barry@wooz.org
Fri, 3 Jan 2003 14:03:20 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/ZODB3/ZODB
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv28120

Modified Files:
      Tag: zconfig-schema-devel-branch
Log Message:
_bdbstorage(), fullstorage, minimalstorage: Support for BerkeleyDB
related storages.

=== ZODB3/ZODB/config.py => ===
--- ZODB3/ZODB/config.py:	Fri Jan  3 01:18:18 2003
+++ ZODB3/ZODB/config.py	Fri Jan  3 14:03:14 2003
@@ -67,6 +67,25 @@
+    def _bdbstorage(self, config):
+        from BDBStorage.BerkeleyBase import BerkeleyConfig
+        from BDBStorage.BDBFullStorage import BDBFullStorage
+        from BDBStorage.BDBMinimalStorage import BDBMinimalStorage
+        # Figure out which class we want
+        sectiontype = config.getSectionType()
+        storageclass = {'fullstorage': BDBFullStorage,
+                        'minimalstorage': BDBMinimalStorage,
+                        }[sectiontype]
+        bconf = BerkeleyConfig()
+        for name in dir(BerkeleyConfig):
+            if name.startswith('_'):
+                continue
+            setattr(bconf, name, getattr(config, name))
+        return storageclass(config.name, config=bconf)
+    fullstorage = _bdbstorage
+    minimalstorage = _bdbstorage
     def zeoclient(self, config):
         from ZEO.ClientStorage import ClientStorage
         # config.server is a multikey of socket-address values