[Zodb-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zodb/storage - memory.py:1.1

Barry Warsaw barry@wooz.org
Thu, 20 Mar 2003 17:58:17 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/src/zodb/storage
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv27222/src/zodb/storage

Added Files:
Log Message:
Two new completely in-memory volatile storages; one is a "full"
storage, supporting undo and versions, and one is a "minimal" storage,
which retains no old object revisions.

The actual storage implementations are ridiculously tiny because they
borrow all the implementation from the Berkeley storages.  The bulk of
the code is faking the essential parts of the bsddb module API using
standard Python data structures and libraries.

This is not the Demo storage, although it's related.  By themselves,
these storages don't implement a backing (shadowed) storage, but will
be used in a new demo implementation.

=== Added File Zope3/src/zodb/storage/memory.py ===
# Copyright (c) 2003 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.

"""In-memory ZODB storage

This module provides two storages, both of which keep all their data
in-memory.  When the storage is closed, all data is lost.  There is a full
storage with versions, undo, etc., and a minimal storage which retains no
old object revisions.

The implementation piggybacks on the Berkeley storages by providing a layer
that fakes enough of the BerkeleyDB (bsddb module) API with built-in data

These storages can be used to

  - provide an example implementation of a full storage without
    distracting storage details,

  - provide a volatile storage that is useful for giving demonstrations.

These storages are different than the demo storage which provides for a
`shadow` read-only storage, although the demo storage uses a FullMemoryStorage
as the fronting storage.

import os
import bisect

from zodb.storage.base import db
from zodb.storage.bdbfull import BDBFullStorage
from zodb.storage.bdbminimal import BDBMinimalStorage

class MemoryFullStorage(BDBFullStorage):
    # Override BerkeleyDB specific stuff so that everything's created in the
    # memory and is set up to use dictionaries and lists instead of Berkeley
    # tables and queues.
    def _newenv(self, envdir):
        return FakeEnv(), FakeLockFile()

    def _setupDB(self, name, flags=0, dbtype=None, reclen=None):
        if dbtype is None:
            if flags & db.DB_DUP:
                return FakeDupBTree()
            return FakeBTree()
        if dbtype == db.DB_QUEUE:
            # Ignore the reclen, we don't care about it
            return FakeQueue()

class MemoryMinimalStorage(BDBMinimalStorage):
    # Override BerkeleyDB specific stuff so that everything's created in the
    # memory and is set up to use dictionaries and lists instead of Berkeley
    # tables and queues.
    def _newenv(self, envdir):
        return FakeEnv(), FakeLockFile()

    def _setupDB(self, name, flags=0, dbtype=None, reclen=None):
        if dbtype is None:
            if flags & db.DB_DUP:
                return FakeDupBTree()
            return FakeBTree()
        if dbtype == db.DB_QUEUE:
            # Ignore the reclen, we don't care about it
            return FakeQueue()

# These data structures fake enough of the BerkeleyDB APIs to get away with
# this implementation trick...  I think. :)
class FakeLockFile:
    def close(self):

class FakeEnv:
    # Environments and the transactions on them
    def txn_checkpoint(self, *args):

    def txn_begin(self):
        return self

    def abort(self):

    def commit(self):

    def close(self):

class FakeBTree:
    # Both BTrees and the cursors on them
    def __init__(self):
        self._keys = []
        self._vals = []
        self._pos = None
        self._cursors = []

    def close(self):
        # If we're closing a cursor, pop the last one off the stack
        if self._pos is not None:
            if self._cursors:
                self._pos = self._cursors.pop()
        self._pos = None

    def __len__(self):
        assert len(self._keys) == len(self._vals)
        return len(self._keys)

    def has_key(self, key):
        i = bisect.bisect_left(self._keys, key)
        return i < len(self) and self._keys[i] == key

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        i = bisect.bisect_left(self._keys, key)
        if i < len(self) and self._keys[i] == key:
            return self._vals[i]
        raise KeyError

    def get(self, key, default=None, txn=None):
        i = bisect.bisect_left(self._keys, key)
        if i < len(self) and self._keys[i] == key:
            return self._vals[i]
        return default

    def keys(self):
        return self._keys[:]

    def items(self):
        return zip(self._keys, self._vals)

    def put(self, key, val, txn=None):
        i = bisect.bisect_left(self._keys, key)
        if i < len(self) and self._keys[i] == key:
            # Replace
            self._vals[i] = val
            self._keys.insert(i, key)
            self._vals.insert(i, val)

    def truncate(self, txn=None):
        del self._keys[:]
        del self._vals[:]

    # Cursor operations
    # Assumptions:
    # - we never use more than one cursor on a btree
    # - close() is a no-op
    # - we never call set_both() on a non DUP btree
    # - we never call btree.delete() with an open cursor (use cursor.delete()
    #   instead)

    def cursor(self, txn=None):
        # Push any current cursor onto the stack
        if self._pos is not None:
        self._pos = None
        return self

    def _getrec(self, pos=0):
        self._pos = pos
        if not 0 <= self._pos < len(self):
            return None
        key = self._keys[self._pos]
        val = self._vals[self._pos]
        return key, val

    def first(self):
        return self._getrec()

    def last(self):
        return self._getrec(len(self)-1)

    def next(self):
        if self._pos is None:
            return self.first()
        return self._getrec(self._pos+1)

    def prev(self):
        if self._pos is None:
            return self.last()
        return self._getrec(self._pos-1)

    def next_dup(self):
        key = self._keys[self._pos]
        self._pos += 1
        if self._pos >= len(self):
            return None
        if key == self._keys[self._pos]:
            return key, self._vals[self._pos]
        return None

    def next_nodup(self):
        key = self._keys[self._pos]
        val = self._vals[self._pos]
        while True:
            self._pos += 1
            if self._pos >= len(self):
                return None
            ikey = self._keys[self._pos]
            ival = self._vals[self._pos]
            if key <> ikey or val <> ival:
                return ikey, ival

    def set_both(self, key, val):
        i = bisect.bisect_left(self._keys, key)
        if i >= len(self) or self._keys[i] <> key:
            raise db.DBNotFoundError
        while self._keys[i] == key and self._vals[i] <> val:
            i += 1
        if i > len(self):
            raise db.DBNotFoundError
        return self._getrec(i)

    def set(self, key):
        i = bisect.bisect_left(self._keys, key)
        if i >= len(self):
            raise db.DBNotFoundError
        ikey = self._keys[i]
        if ikey <> key:
            raise db.DBNotFoundError
        self._pos = i
        ival = self._vals[i]
        return ikey, ival

    def set_range(self, key):
        i = bisect.bisect_left(self._keys, key)
        if i >= len(self):
            raise db.DBNotFoundError
        return self._getrec(i)

    def delete(self, key=None, txn=None):
        if self._pos is not None:
            # We're doing a cursor delete
            del self._keys[self._pos]
            del self._vals[self._pos]
            # XXX This is cheating, but we know cursor deletes are always
            # followed by a next or set_both call.  We don't care about the
            # latter, but for the former, decrement the position so the
            # subequent next will work "correctly".
            self._pos -= 1
            # We're doing a btree delete
            i = bisect.bisect_left(self._keys, key)
            if i < len(self) and self._keys[i] == key:
                del self._keys[i]
                del self._vals[i]
                raise db.DBNotFoundError

class FakeDupBTree(FakeBTree):
    def put(self, key, val, txn=None):
        # Duplicates are allowed.  Find the range of matching keys, then do
        # another bisect on the values to find where the sorted insert should
        # be.  I believe the semantics are to sort on both the keys and vals.
        i = bisect.bisect_left(self._keys, key)
        j = bisect.bisect_right(self._keys, key)
        if i <> j:
            i = bisect.bisect_left(self._vals, val, i, j)
        self._keys.insert(i, key)
        self._vals.insert(i, val)

class FakeQueue(list):
    def consume(self, txn=None):
        if not self:
            return None
        # Return the record number (which the storages ignore) and the value.
        return 'ignored', self.pop(0)

    def close(self):

    def truncate(self, txn=None):
        del self[:]

    def append(self, val, txn=None):
        super(FakeQueue, self).append(val)