[Zodb-checkins] CVS: ZODB3/ZODB - FileStorage.py:

Jeremy Hylton jeremy at zope.com
Tue Sep 9 01:29:00 EDT 2003

Update of /cvs-repository/ZODB3/ZODB
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv25444

Modified Files:
      Tag: ZODB3-3_2-branch
Log Message:
Remove _loada() which was only used by old pack.  (Removed on 3.1

=== ZODB3/ZODB/FileStorage.py => ===
--- ZODB3/ZODB/FileStorage.py:	Mon Sep  8 23:09:18 2003
+++ ZODB3/ZODB/FileStorage.py	Tue Sep  9 00:28:59 2003
@@ -648,30 +648,6 @@
     def getSize(self):
         return self._pos
-    def _loada(self, oid, _index, file):
-        "Read any version and return the version"
-        try:
-            pos=_index[oid]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise POSKeyError(oid)
-        except TypeError:
-            raise TypeError, 'invalid oid %r' % (oid,)
-        file.seek(pos)
-        read=file.read
-        h=read(DATA_HDR_LEN)
-        doid,serial,prev,tloc,vlen,plen = unpack(DATA_HDR, h)
-        if vlen:
-            nv = u64(read(8))
-            read(8) # Skip previous version record pointer
-            version = read(vlen)
-        else:
-            version = ''
-            nv = 0
-        if plen != z64:
-            return read(u64(plen)), version, nv
-        return _loadBack(file, oid, read(8))[0], version, nv
     def _load(self, oid, version, _index, file):
             pos = _index[oid]

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