[Zodb-checkins] CVS: StandaloneZConfig/ZConfig/doc - schema.dtd:1.11 zconfig.pdf:1.19 zconfig.tex:1.94

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fred at zope.com
Tue Mar 16 15:47:56 EST 2004

Update of /cvs-repository/StandaloneZConfig/ZConfig/doc
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv31115/doc

Modified Files:
	schema.dtd zconfig.pdf zconfig.tex 
Log Message:
- make it possible to provide defaults for <multikey name="+"> and
  <key name="+">; keys need to be provided for each default value
- fix bug in converting an empty section that contained a
  <multikey name="+">
- document <default> element in reference manual and DTD
- more tests

=== StandaloneZConfig/ZConfig/doc/schema.dtd 1.10 => 1.11 ===
--- StandaloneZConfig/ZConfig/doc/schema.dtd:1.10	Wed Nov 26 17:37:35 2003
+++ StandaloneZConfig/ZConfig/doc/schema.dtd	Tue Mar 16 15:47:24 2004
@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
+  Please note that not all documents that conform to this DTD are
+  legal ZConfig schema.  The ZConfig reference manual describes many
+  constraints that are important to understanding ZConfig schema.
 <!-- DTD for ZConfig schema documents. -->
@@ -61,7 +65,11 @@
           name       NMTOKEN  #REQUIRED
           prefix     NMTOKEN  #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT key (description?, metadefault?, example?)>
+<!ELEMENT default    (#PCDATA)*>
+<!ATTLIST default
+          key        CDATA    #IMPLIED>
+<!ELEMENT key (description?, metadefault?, example?, default*)>
 <!ATTLIST key
           name       CDATA    #REQUIRED
           attribute  NMTOKEN  #IMPLIED

=== StandaloneZConfig/ZConfig/doc/zconfig.pdf 1.18 => 1.19 ===
  <Binary-ish file>

=== StandaloneZConfig/ZConfig/doc/zconfig.tex 1.93 => 1.94 ===
--- StandaloneZConfig/ZConfig/doc/zconfig.tex:1.93	Fri Feb 27 14:05:38 2004
+++ StandaloneZConfig/ZConfig/doc/zconfig.tex	Tue Mar 16 15:47:24 2004
@@ -613,6 +613,22 @@
+  Each \element{default} element specifies a single default value for
+  a \element{multikey}.  This element can be repeated to produce a
+  list of individual default values.  The text contained in the
+  element will be passed to the datatype conversion for the
+  \element{multikey}.
+  \begin{attributedesc}{key}{}
+    Key to associate with the default value.  This is only used for
+    defaults of a \element{key} or \element{multikey} with a
+    \attribute{name} of \code{+}; in that case this attribute is
+    required.
+  \end{attributedesc}
   A \element{section} element is used to describe a section which may
   occur at most once in the section type or top-level schema in which

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