[Zodb-checkins] SVN: ZODB/trunk/NEWS.txt Repaired some ReST markup.

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Mon Mar 21 16:08:31 EST 2005

Log message for revision 29628:
  Repaired some ReST markup.

  U   ZODB/trunk/NEWS.txt

Modified: ZODB/trunk/NEWS.txt
--- ZODB/trunk/NEWS.txt	2005-03-21 20:20:11 UTC (rev 29627)
+++ ZODB/trunk/NEWS.txt	2005-03-21 21:08:31 UTC (rev 29628)
@@ -43,21 +43,21 @@
-- Add a record iteration protocol to FileStorage.  You can use the
+- Addded a record iteration protocol to FileStorage.  You can use the
   record iterator to iterate over all current revisions of data
   pickles in the storage.
   In order to support calling via ZEO, we don't implement this as an
-  1actual iterator.  An example of using the record iterator protocol
-  is as follows:
+  actual iterator.  An example of using the record iterator protocol
+  is as follows::
-  storage = FileStorage('anexisting.fs')
-  next_oid = None
-  while 1:
-      oid, tid, data, next_oid = storage.record_iternext(next_oid)
-      # do something with oid, tid and data
-      if next_oid is None:
-          break
+      storage = FileStorage('anexisting.fs')
+      next_oid = None
+      while True:
+          oid, tid, data, next_oid = storage.record_iternext(next_oid)
+          # do something with oid, tid and data
+          if next_oid is None:
+              break
   The behavior of the iteration protocol is now to iterate over all
   current records in the database in ascending oid order, although

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