[Zodb-checkins] SVN: ZODB/branches/3.6/src/BTrees/ Merge from trunk

Stephan Richter srichter at cosmos.phy.tufts.edu
Sat Nov 5 08:55:02 EST 2005

Log message for revision 39912:
  Merge from trunk

  A   ZODB/branches/3.6/src/BTrees/Development.txt
  D   ZODB/branches/3.6/src/BTrees/Maintainer.txt

Copied: ZODB/branches/3.6/src/BTrees/Development.txt (from rev 39910, ZODB/trunk/src/BTrees/Development.txt)

Deleted: ZODB/branches/3.6/src/BTrees/Maintainer.txt
--- ZODB/branches/3.6/src/BTrees/Maintainer.txt	2005-11-05 13:54:50 UTC (rev 39911)
+++ ZODB/branches/3.6/src/BTrees/Maintainer.txt	2005-11-05 13:55:01 UTC (rev 39912)
@@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
-This document provides information for developers who maintain or
-extend BTrees.
-BTrees are defined using a "template", roughly akin to a a C++
-template.  To create a new family of BTrees, create a source file that
-defines macros used to handle differences in key and value types:
-Configuration Macros
-A string to hold an RCS/CVS Id key to be included in compiled binaries.
-A string (like "IO" or "OO") that provides the prefix used for the
-module.  This gets used to generate type names and the internal module
-name string.
-An int giving the maximum bucket size (number of key/value pairs).
-When a bucket gets larger than this due to an insertion *into a BTREE*,
-it splits.  Inserting into a bucket directly doesn't split, and
-functions that produce a bucket output (e.g., union()) also have no
-bound on how large a bucket may get.  Someday this will be tunable
-on BTree instances.
-An int giving the maximum size (number of children) of an internal
-btree node.  Someday this will be tunable on BTree instances.
-Macros for Keys
-The C type declaration for keys (e.g., int or PyObject*).
-Define if KEY_TYPE is a PyObject*, else undef.
-Tests whether the PyObject* K can be converted to the (C) key type
-(KEY_TYPE).  The macro should return a boolean (zero for false,
-non-zero for true).  When it returns false, its caller should probably
-set a TypeError exception.
-Like Python's cmp().  Compares K(ey) to T(arget), where K & T are C
-values of type KEY_TYPE.  V is assigned an int value depending on
-the outcome:
-   < 0 if K < T
-  == 0 if K == T
-   > 0 if K > T
-This macro acts like an 'if', where the following statement is
-executed only if a Python exception has been raised because the
-values could not be compared.
-K is a value of KEY_TYPE.  If KEY_TYPE is a flavor of PyObject*, write
-this to do Py_DECREF(K).  Else (e.g., KEY_TYPE is int) make it a nop.
-K is a value of KEY_TYPE.  If KEY_TYPE is a flavor of PyObject*, write
-this to do Py_INCREF(K).  Else (e.g., KEY_TYPE is int) make it a nop.
-Like K=E.  Copy a key from E to K, both of KEY_TYPE.  Note that this
-doesn't decref K or incref E when KEY_TYPE is a PyObject*; the caller
-is responsible for keeping refcounts straight.
-Roughly like O=K.  O is a PyObject*, and the macro must build a Python
-object form of K, assign it to O, and ensure that O owns the reference
-to its new value.  It may do this by creating a new Python object based
-on K (e.g., PyInt_FromLong(K) when KEY_TYPE is int), or simply by doing
-Py_INCREF(K) if KEY_TYPE is a PyObject*.
-Copy an argument to the target without creating a new reference to ARG.
-ARG is a PyObject*, and TARGET is of type KEY_TYPE.  If this can't be
-done (for example, KEY_CHECK(ARG) returns false), set a Python error
-and set status to 0.  If there is no error, leave status alone.
-Macros for Values
-The C type declaration for values (e.g., int or PyObject*).
-Define if VALUE_TYPE is a PyObject*, else undef.
-Like Python's cmp().  Compares X to Y, where X & Y are C values of
-type VALUE_TYPE.  The macro returns an int, with value
-   < 0 if X < Y
-  == 0 if X == Y
-   > 0 if X > Y
-Bug:  There is no provision for determining whether the comparison
-attempt failed (set a Python exception).
-Like DECREF_KEY, except applied to values of VALUE_TYPE.
-Like INCREF_KEY, except applied to values of VALUE_TYPE.
-Like COPY_KEY, except applied to values of VALUE_TYPE.
-Like COPY_KEY_TO_OBJECT, except applied to values of VALUE_TYPE.
-Like COPY_KEY_FROM_ARG, except applied to values of VALUE_TYPE.
-Normalize the value, V, using the parameter MIN.  This is almost
-certainly a YAGNI.  It is a no op for most types. For integers, V is
-replaced by V/MIN only if MIN > 0.
-Macros for Set Operations
-A value of VALUE_TYPE specifying the value to associate with set
-elements when sets are merged with mappings via weighed union or
-weighted intersection.
-MERGE(O1, w1, O2, w2)
-Performs a weighted merge of two values, O1 and O2, using weights w1
-and w2.  The result must be of VALUE_TYPE.  Note that weighted unions
-and weighted intersections are not enabled if this macro is left
-Computes a weighted value for O.  The result must be of VALUE_TYPE.
-This is used for "filling out" weighted unions, i.e. to compute a
-weighted value for keys that appear in only one of the input
-mappings.  If left undefined, MERGE_WEIGHT defaults to
-    #define MERGE_WEIGHT(O, w) (O)
-The value doesn't matter.  If defined, SetOpTemplate.c compiles
-code for a multiunion() function (compute a union of many input sets
-at high speed).  This currently makes sense only for structures with
-integer keys.
-BTree Clues
-More or less random bits of helpful info.
-+ In papers and textbooks, this flavor of BTree is usually called
-  a B+-Tree, where "+" is a superscript.
-+ All keys and all values live in the bucket leaf nodes.  Keys in
-  interior (BTree) nodes merely serve to guide a search efficiently
-  toward the correct leaf.
-+ When a key is deleted, it's physically removed from the bucket
-  it's in, but this doesn't propagate back up the tree:  since keys
-  in interior nodes only serve to guide searches, it's OK-- and
-  saves time --to leave "stale" keys in interior nodes.
-+ No attempt is made to rebalance the tree after a deletion, unless
-  a bucket thereby becomes entirely empty.  "Classic BTrees" do
-  rebalance, keeping all buckets at least half full (provided there
-  are enough keys in the entire tree to fill half a bucket).  The
-  tradeoffs are murky.  Pathological cases in the presence of
-  deletion do exist.  Pathologies include trees tending toward only
-  one key per bucket, and buckets at differing depths (all buckets
-  are at the same depth in a classic BTree).
-  mostly to "even out" pickle sizes in storage.  That's why, e.g.,
-  an IIBTree has larger values than an OOBTree:  pickles store ints
-  more efficiently than they can store arbitrary Python objects.
-+ In a non-empty BTree, every bucket node contains at least one key,
-  and every BTree node contains at least one child and a non-NULL
-  firstbucket pointer.  However, a BTree node may not contain any keys.
-+ An empty BTree consists solely of a BTree node with len==0 and
-  firstbucket==NULL.
-+ Although a BTree can become unbalanced under a mix of inserts and
-  deletes (meaning both that there's nothing stronger that can be
-  said about buckets than that they're not empty, and that buckets
-  can appear at different depths), a BTree node always has children
-  of the same kind:  they're all buckets, or they're all BTree nodes.
-For notational ease, consider a fixed BTree node x, and let
-    K(i) mean x->data.key[i]
-    C(i) mean all the keys reachable from x->data.child[i]
-For each i in 0 to x->len-1 inclusive,
-    K(i) <= C(i) < K(i+1)
-is a BTree node invariant, where we pretend that K(0) holds a key
-smaller than any possible key, and K(x->len) holds a key larger
-than any possible key.  (Note that K(x->len) doesn't actually exist,
-and K(0) is never used although space for it exists in non-empty
-BTree nodes.)
-When searching for a key k, then, the child pointer we want to follow
-is the one at index i such that K(i) <= k < K(i+1).  There can be
-at most one such i, since the K(i) are strictly increasing.  And there
-is at least one such i provided the tree isn't empty (so that 0 < len).
-For the moment, assume the tree isn't empty (we'll get back to that
-The macro's chief loop invariant is
-    K(lo) < k < K(hi)
-This holds trivially at the start, since lo is set to 0, and hi to
-x->len, and we pretend K(0) is minus infinity and K(len) is plus
-infinity.  Inside the loop, if K(i) < k we set lo to i, and if
-K(i) > k we set hi to i.  These obviously preserve the invariant.
-If K(i) == k, the loop breaks and sets the result to i, and since
-K(i) == k in that case i is obviously the correct result.
-Other cases depend on how i = floor((lo + hi)/2) works, exactly.
-Suppose lo + d = hi for some d >= 0.  Then i = floor((lo + lo + d)/2) =
-floor(lo + d/2) = lo + floor(d/2).  So:
-a. [d == 0] (lo == i == hi) if and only if (lo   == hi).
-b. [d == 1] (lo == i  < hi) if and only if (lo+1 == hi).
-c. [d  > 1] (lo  < i  < hi) if and only if (lo+1  < hi).
-If the node is empty (x->len == 0), then lo==i==hi==0 at the start,
-and the loop exits immediately (the first "i > lo" test fails),
-without entering the body.
-Else lo < hi at the start, and the invariant K(lo) < k < K(hi) holds.
-If lo+1 < hi, we're in case #c:  i is strictly between lo and hi,
-so the loop body is entered, and regardless of whether the body sets
-the new lo or the new hi to i, the new lo is strictly less than the
-new hi, and the difference between the new lo and new hi is strictly
-less than the difference between the old lo and old hi.  So long as
-the new lo + 1 remains < the new hi, we stay in this case.  We can't
-stay in this case forever, though:  because hi-lo decreases on each
-trip but remains > 0, lo+1 == hi must eventually become true.  (In
-fact, it becomes true quickly, in about log2(x->len) trips; the
-point is more that lo doesn't equal hi when the loop ends, it has to
-end with lo+1==hi and i==lo).
-Then we're in case #b:  i==lo==hi-1 then, and the loop exits.  The
-invariant still holds, with lo==i and hi==lo+1==i+1:
-    K(i) < k < K(i+1)
-so i is again the correct answer.
-Optimization points:
-+ Division by 2 is done via shift rather via "/2".  These are
-  signed ints, and almost all C compilers treat signed int division
-  as truncating, and shifting is not the same as truncation for
-  signed int division.  The compiler has no way to know these values
-  aren't negative, so has to generate longer-winded code for "/2".
-  But we know these values aren't negative, and exploit it.
-+ The order of _cmp comparisons matters.  We're in an interior
-  BTree node, and are looking at only a tiny fraction of all the
-  keys that exist.  So finding the key exactly in this node is
-  unlikely, and checking _cmp == 0 is a waste of time to the same
-  extent.  It doesn't matter whether we check for _cmp < 0 or
-  _cmp > 0 first, so long as we do both before worrying about
-  equality.
-+ At the start of a routine, it's better to run this macro even
-  if x->len is 0 (check for that afterwards).  We just called a
-  function and so probably drained the pipeline.  If the first thing
-  we do then is read up self->len and check it against 0, we just
-  sit there waiting for the data to get read up, and then another
-  immediate test-and-branch, and for a very unlikely case (BTree
-  nodes are rarely empty).  It's better to get into the loop right
-  away so the normal case makes progress ASAP.
-This has a different job than BTREE_SEARCH:  the key 0 slot is
-legitimate in a bucket, and we want to find the index at which the
-key belongs.  If the key is larger than the bucket's largest key, a
-new slot at index len is where it belongs, else it belongs at the
-smallest i with keys[i] >= the key we're looking for.  We also need
-to know whether or not the key is present (BTREE_SEARCH didn't care;
-it only wanted to find the next node to search).
-The mechanics of the search are quite similar, though.  The primary
-loop invariant changes to (say we're searching for key k):
-    K(lo-1) < k < K(hi)
-where K(i) means keys[i], and we pretend K(-1) is minus infinity and
-K(len) is plus infinity.
-If the bucket is empty, lo=hi=i=0 at the start, the loop body is never
-entered, and the macro sets INDEX to 0 and ABSENT to true.  That's why
-_cmp is initialized to 1 (_cmp becomes ABSENT).
-Else the bucket is not empty, lo<hi at the start, and the loop body
-is entered.  The invariant is obviously satisfied then, as lo=0 and
-If K[i]<k, lo is set to i+1, preserving that K(lo-1) = K[i] < k.
-If K[i]>k, hi is set to i, preserving that K[hi] = K[i] > k.
-If the loop exits after either of those, _cmp != 0, so ABSENT becomes
-If K[i]=k, the loop breaks, so that INDEX becomes i, and ABSENT
-becomes false (_cmp=0 in this case).
-The same case analysis for BTREE_SEARCH on lo and hi holds here:
-a. (lo == i == hi) if and only if (lo   == hi).
-b. (lo == i  < hi) if and only if (lo+1 == hi).
-c. (lo  < i  < hi) if and only if (lo+1  < hi).
-So long as lo+1 < hi, we're in case #c, and either break with
-equality (in which case the right results are obviously computed) or
-narrow the range.  If equality doesn't obtain, the range eventually
-narrows to cases #a or #b.
-To go from #c to #a, we must have lo+2==hi at the start, and
-K[i]=K[lo+1]<k.  Then the new lo gets set to i+1 = lo+2 = hi, and the
-loop exits with lo=hi=i and _cmp<0.  This is correct, because we
-know that k != K(i) (loop invariant! we actually know something
-stronger, that k < K(hi); since i=hi, this implies k != K(i)).
-Else #c eventually falls into case #b, lo+1==hi and i==lo.  The
-invariant tells us K(lo-1) < k < K(hi) = K(lo+1), so if the key
-is present it must be at K(lo).  i==lo in this case, so we test
-K(lo) against k.  As always, if equality obtains we do the right
-thing, else case #b becomes case #a.
-When #b becomes #a, the last comparison was non-equal, so _cmp is
-non-zero, and the loop exits because lo==hi==i in case #a.  The
-invariant then tells us K(lo-1) < k < K(lo), so the key is in fact
-not present, it's correct to exit with _cmp non-zero, and i==lo is
-again the index at which k belongs.
-Optimization points:
-+ As for BTREE_SEARCH, shifting of signed ints is cheaper than
-  division.
-+ Unlike as for BTREE_SEARCH, there's nothing special about searching
-  an empty bucket, and the macro computes thoroughly sensible results
-  in that case.
-+ The order of _cmp comparisons differs from BTREE_SEARCH.  When
-  searching a bucket, it's much more likely (than when searching a
-  BTree node) that the key is present, so testing __cmp==0 isn't a
-  systematic waste of cycles.  At the extreme, if all searches are
-  successful (key present), on average this saves one comparison per
-  search, against leaving the determination of _cmp==0 implicit (as
-  BTREE_SEARCH does).  But even on successful searches, __cmp != 0 is
-  a more popular outcome than __cmp == 0 across iterations (unless
-  the bucket has only a few keys), so it's important to check one
-  of the inequality cases first.  It turns out it's better on average
-  to check K(i) < key (than to check K(i) > key), because when it
-  pays it narrows the range more (we get a little boost from setting
-  lo=i+1 in this case; the other case sets hi=i, which isn't as much
-  of a narrowing).

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