[Zodb-checkins] SVN: ZODB/trunk/src/Z - Removed usage of special environment variable to tell blobs where to create

Christian Theune ct at gocept.com
Thu Jun 7 06:25:04 EDT 2007

Log message for revision 76457:
   - Removed usage of special environment variable to tell blobs where to create
     new uncommitted data.
   - Made blobs use the temporaryDirectory() method of storages to store new
     uncommitted data near the committed data.

  U   ZODB/trunk/src/ZEO/ClientStorage.py
  U   ZODB/trunk/src/ZEO/tests/testZEO.py
  U   ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/Connection.py
  U   ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/DB.py
  U   ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/blob.py
  U   ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/blob_basic.txt
  U   ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/blob_connection.txt
  A   ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/blob_tempdir.txt
  U   ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/testblob.py

Modified: ZODB/trunk/src/ZEO/ClientStorage.py
--- ZODB/trunk/src/ZEO/ClientStorage.py	2007-06-07 10:22:08 UTC (rev 76456)
+++ ZODB/trunk/src/ZEO/ClientStorage.py	2007-06-07 10:25:03 UTC (rev 76457)
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
         if blob_dir is not None:
             # Avoid doing this import unless we need it, as it
             # currently requires pywin32 on Windows.
-            import ZODB.blob 
+            import ZODB.blob
             self.fshelper = ZODB.blob.FilesystemHelper(blob_dir)
@@ -955,11 +955,11 @@
         f = open(blob_filename, 'ab')
     def recieveBlobStop(self, oid, serial):
         blob_filename = self.fshelper.getBlobFilename(oid, serial)
         os.rename(blob_filename+'.dl', blob_filename)
     def loadBlob(self, oid, serial):
         # Load a blob.  If it isn't present and we have a shared blob
@@ -1017,7 +1017,7 @@
                     except OSError:
             if self._have_blob(blob_filename, oid, serial):
                 return blob_filename
@@ -1034,7 +1034,7 @@
             # Ask the server to send it to us.  When this function
             # returns, it will have been sent. (The recieving will
             # have been handled by the asyncore thread.)
             self._server.sendBlob(oid, serial)
             if self._have_blob(blob_filename, oid, serial):
@@ -1049,6 +1049,9 @@
             except OSError:
+    def temporaryDirectory(self):
+        return self.blob_dir
     def tpc_vote(self, txn):
         """Storage API: vote on a transaction."""
         if txn is not self._transaction:

Modified: ZODB/trunk/src/ZEO/tests/testZEO.py
--- ZODB/trunk/src/ZEO/tests/testZEO.py	2007-06-07 10:22:08 UTC (rev 76456)
+++ ZODB/trunk/src/ZEO/tests/testZEO.py	2007-06-07 10:25:03 UTC (rev 76457)
@@ -523,6 +523,10 @@
         filename = self._storage.loadBlob(oid, serial)
         self.assertEquals(somedata, open(filename, 'rb').read())
+    def checkTemporaryDirectory(self):
+        self.assertEquals(self.blob_cache_dir,
+                          self._storage.temporaryDirectory())
 class BlobAdaptedFileStorageTests(GenericTests, CommonBlobTests):
     """ZEO backed by a BlobStorage-adapted FileStorage."""

Modified: ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/Connection.py
--- ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/Connection.py	2007-06-07 10:22:08 UTC (rev 76456)
+++ ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/Connection.py	2007-06-07 10:25:03 UTC (rev 76457)
@@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@
             data, serial = src.load(oid, src)
                 blobfilename = src.loadBlob(oid, serial)
-            except POSKeyError:
+            except (POSKeyError, Unsupported):
                 s = self._storage.store(oid, serial, data,
                                         self._version, transaction)
@@ -1195,10 +1195,6 @@
                 self.versionEmpty = storage.versionEmpty
         self._base_version = base_version
-        tmpdir = os.environ.get('ZODB_BLOB_TEMPDIR')
-        if tmpdir is None:
-            tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        self._blobdir = tmpdir
         self._file = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
         # position: current file position
         # _tpos: file position at last commit point
@@ -1212,7 +1208,6 @@
     def close(self):
-        shutil.rmtree(self._blobdir)
     def load(self, oid, version):
         pos = self.index.get(oid)
@@ -1260,13 +1255,17 @@
     def loadBlob(self, oid, serial):
         """Return the filename where the blob file can be found.
+        if not IBlobStorage.providedBy(self._storage):
+            raise Unsupported(
+                "Blobs are not supported by the underlying storage %r." %
+                self._storage)
         filename = self._getCleanFilename(oid, serial)
         if not os.path.exists(filename):
             raise POSKeyError, "Not an existing blob."
         return filename
     def _getBlobPath(self, oid):
-        return os.path.join(self._blobdir,
+        return os.path.join(self.temporaryDirectory(),
@@ -1275,6 +1274,10 @@
                             "%s%s" % (utils.tid_repr(tid), 
+    def temporaryDirectory(self):
+        return self._storage.temporaryDirectory()
     def reset(self, position, index):
         self.position = position
@@ -1288,4 +1291,3 @@
         # a copy of the index here.  An alternative would be to ensure that
         # all callers pass copies.  As is, our callers do not make copies.
         self.index = index.copy()

Modified: ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/DB.py
--- ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/DB.py	2007-06-07 10:22:08 UTC (rev 76456)
+++ ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/DB.py	2007-06-07 10:25:03 UTC (rev 76457)
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
         except TypeError:
             storage.registerDB(self, None) # Backward compat
         if (not hasattr(storage, 'tpc_vote')) and not storage.isReadOnly():
                 "Storage doesn't have a tpc_vote and this violates "

Modified: ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/blob.py
--- ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/blob.py	2007-06-07 10:22:08 UTC (rev 76456)
+++ ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/blob.py	2007-06-07 10:25:03 UTC (rev 76457)
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
         # atomically
         self.readers = []
         self.writers = []
     __init__ = __setstate__
     def __getstate__(self):
@@ -90,17 +90,15 @@
             and os.path.exists(self._p_blob_uncommitted)
         super(Blob, self)._p_invalidate()
     def opened(self):
         return bool(self.readers or self.writers)
     def closed(self, f):
         # We use try/except below because another thread might remove
         # the ref after we check it if the file is GCed.
         for file_refs in (self.readers, self.writers):
             for ref in file_refs:
                 if ref() is f:
@@ -128,7 +126,7 @@
                 except ValueError:
             self.readers.append(weakref.ref(result, destroyed))
             if self.readers:
@@ -155,7 +153,7 @@
                 except ValueError:
             self.writers.append(weakref.ref(result, destroyed))
             self._p_changed = True
@@ -233,7 +231,10 @@
     def _create_uncommitted_file(self):
         assert self._p_blob_uncommitted is None, (
             "Uncommitted file already exists.")
-        tempdir = os.environ.get('ZODB_BLOB_TEMPDIR', tempfile.gettempdir())
+        if self._p_jar:
+            tempdir = self._p_jar.db()._storage.temporaryDirectory()
+        else:
+            tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir()
         self._p_blob_uncommitted = utils.mktemp(dir=tempdir)
         return self._p_blob_uncommitted

Modified: ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/blob_basic.txt
--- ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/blob_basic.txt	2007-06-07 10:22:08 UTC (rev 76456)
+++ ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/blob_basic.txt	2007-06-07 10:25:03 UTC (rev 76457)
@@ -15,66 +15,66 @@
 ZODB Blob support
-You create a blob like this:
+You create a blob like this::
     >>> from ZODB.blob import Blob
     >>> myblob = Blob()
-A blob implements the IBlob interface:
+A blob implements the IBlob interface::
     >>> from ZODB.interfaces import IBlob
     >>> IBlob.providedBy(myblob)
-We can open a new blob file for reading, but it won't have any data:
+We can open a new blob file for reading, but it won't have any data::
     >>> myblob.open("r").read()
-But we can write data to a new Blob by opening it for writing:
+But we can write data to a new Blob by opening it for writing::
     >>> f = myblob.open("w")
     >>> f.write("Hi, Blob!")
-If we try to open a Blob again while it is open for writing, we get an error:
+If we try to open a Blob again while it is open for writing, we get an error::
     >>> myblob.open("r")
     Traceback (most recent call last):
     BlobError: Already opened for writing.
-We can close the file:
+We can close the file::
     >>> f.close()
-Now we can open it for reading:
+Now we can open it for reading::
     >>> f2 = myblob.open("r")
-And we get the data back:
+And we get the data back::
     >>> f2.read()
     'Hi, Blob!'
-If we want to, we can open it again:
+If we want to, we can open it again::
     >>> f3 = myblob.open("r")
     >>> f3.read()
     'Hi, Blob!'
-But we can't open it for writing, while it is opened for reading:
+But we can't open it for writing, while it is opened for reading::
     >>> myblob.open("a")
     Traceback (most recent call last):
     BlobError: Already opened for reading.
-Before we can write, we have to close the readers:
+Before we can write, we have to close the readers::
     >>> f2.close()
     >>> f3.close()
-Now we can open it for writing again and e.g. append data:
+Now we can open it for writing again and e.g. append data::
     >>> f4 = myblob.open("a")
     >>> f4.write("\nBlob is fine.")
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
     >>> f4.close()
-Now we can read it:
+Now we can read it::
     >>> f4a = myblob.open("r")
     >>> f4a.read()
@@ -103,15 +103,15 @@
 You shouldn't need to explicitly close a blob unless you hold a reference
 to it via a name.  If the first line in the following test kept a reference
 around via a name, the second call to open it in a writable mode would fail
-with a BlobError, but it doesn't.
+with a BlobError, but it doesn't::
     >>> myblob.open("r+").read()
     'Hi, Blob!\nBlob is fine.'
     >>> f4b = myblob.open("a")
     >>> f4b.close()
-We can read lines out of the blob too:
+We can read lines out of the blob too::
     >>> f5 = myblob.open("r")
     >>> f5.readline()
     'Hi, Blob!\n'
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
     'Blob is fine.'
     >>> f5.close()
-We can seek to certain positions in a blob and read portions of it:
+We can seek to certain positions in a blob and read portions of it::
     >>> f6 = myblob.open('r')
     >>> f6.seek(4)
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
     >>> f6.close()
-We can use the object returned by a blob open call as an iterable:
+We can use the object returned by a blob open call as an iterable::
     >>> f7 = myblob.open('r')
     >>> for line in f7:
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
     Blob is fine.
     >>> f7.close()
-We can truncate a blob:
+We can truncate a blob::
     >>> f8 = myblob.open('a')
     >>> f8.truncate(0)
@@ -149,30 +149,14 @@
     >>> f8.close()
-Blobs are always opened in binary mode:
+Blobs are always opened in binary mode::
     >>> f9 = myblob.open("r")
     >>> f9.mode
     >>> f9.close()
-We can specify the tempdir that blobs use to keep uncommitted data by
-modifying the ZODB_BLOB_TEMPDIR environment variable:
+Some cleanup in this test is needed::
-    >>> import os, tempfile, shutil
-    >>> tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-    >>> os.environ['ZODB_BLOB_TEMPDIR'] = tempdir
-    >>> myblob = Blob()
-    >>> len(os.listdir(tempdir))
-    0
-    >>> f = myblob.open('w')
-    >>> len(os.listdir(tempdir))
-    1
-    >>> f.close()
-    >>> shutil.rmtree(tempdir)
-    >>> del os.environ['ZODB_BLOB_TEMPDIR']
-Some cleanup in this test is needed:
     >>> import transaction
     >>> transaction.get().abort()

Modified: ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/blob_connection.txt
--- ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/blob_connection.txt	2007-06-07 10:22:08 UTC (rev 76456)
+++ ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/blob_connection.txt	2007-06-07 10:25:03 UTC (rev 76457)
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
     >>> blob_dir = mkdtemp()
     >>> blob_storage = BlobStorage(blob_dir, base_storage)
     >>> database = DB(blob_storage)
 Putting a Blob into a Connection works like every other object:
     >>> connection = database.open()

Added: ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/blob_tempdir.txt
--- ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/blob_tempdir.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/blob_tempdir.txt	2007-06-07 10:25:03 UTC (rev 76457)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+Temporary directory handling with blobs
+When creating uncommitted data files for a blob (e.g. by calling
+`blob.open('w')`) we need to decide where to create them. The decision depends
+on whether the blob is already stored in a database or not.
+Case 1: Blobs that are not in a database yet
+Let's create a new blob and open it for writing::
+  >>> from ZODB.blob import Blob
+  >>> b = Blob()
+  >>> w = b.open('w')
+The created file is in the default temporary directory::
+  >>> import tempfile
+  >>> w.name.startswith(tempfile.gettempdir())
+  True
+Case 2: Blobs that are in a database
+For this case we instanciate a blob and add it to a database immediately.
+First, we need a datatabase with blob support::
+  >>> from ZODB.MappingStorage import MappingStorage
+  >>> from ZODB.blob import BlobStorage
+  >>> from ZODB.DB import DB
+  >>> from tempfile import mkdtemp
+  >>> base_storage = MappingStorage("test")
+  >>> blob_dir = mkdtemp()
+  >>> blob_storage = BlobStorage(blob_dir, base_storage)
+  >>> database = DB(blob_storage)
+Now we create a blob and put it in the database. After that we open it for
+writing and expect the file to be in the blob directory::
+  >>> blob = Blob()
+  >>> connection = database.open()
+  >>> connection.add(blob)
+  >>> w = blob.open('w')
+  >>> w.name.startswith(blob_dir)
+  True

Property changes on: ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/blob_tempdir.txt
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Modified: ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/testblob.py
--- ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/testblob.py	2007-06-07 10:22:08 UTC (rev 76456)
+++ ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/testblob.py	2007-06-07 10:25:03 UTC (rev 76457)
@@ -271,6 +271,7 @@
         "blob_basic.txt",  "blob_connection.txt", "blob_transaction.txt",
         "blob_packing.txt", "blob_importexport.txt", "blob_consume.txt",
+        "blob_tempdir.txt",

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