[Zodb-checkins] SVN: ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/ document conflict
resolution. bugfix the situation in which comparing
persistent objects (for instance,
as members in BTree set or keys of BTree) might cause data
inconsistency during conflict resolution. support
multidatabase references in conflict resolution. make it
possible to examine oid and (in some situations) database
name of persistent object references so that I can add some
code to zope.app.keyreference to support these objects (so
BTree conflict resolution can happen at all when
keyreferences are used). I will add information to CHANGES
after Jim reviews (or sooner).
Gary Poster
gary at zope.com
Sat Jun 23 00:20:55 EDT 2007
Log message for revision 76953:
document conflict resolution. bugfix the situation in which comparing persistent objects (for instance, as members in BTree set or keys of BTree) might cause data inconsistency during conflict resolution. support multidatabase references in conflict resolution. make it possible to examine oid and (in some situations) database name of persistent object references so that I can add some code to zope.app.keyreference to support these objects (so BTree conflict resolution can happen at all when keyreferences are used). I will add information to CHANGES after Jim reviews (or sooner).
U ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/ConflictResolution.py
A ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/ConflictResolution.txt
A ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/testconflictresolution.py
U ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/util.py
Modified: ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/ConflictResolution.py
--- ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/ConflictResolution.py 2007-06-23 04:13:28 UTC (rev 76952)
+++ ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/ConflictResolution.py 2007-06-23 04:20:55 UTC (rev 76953)
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
from cPickle import Unpickler, Pickler
from pickle import PicklingError
+import zope.interface
from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError
from ZODB.loglevels import BLATHER
@@ -58,8 +60,88 @@
unpickler.load() # skip the class tuple
return unpickler.load()
-class PersistentReference:
+class IPersistentReference(zope.interface.Interface):
+ '''public contract for references to persistent objects from an object
+ with conflicts.'''
+ oid = zope.interface.Attribute(
+ 'The oid of the persistent object that this reference represents')
+ database_name = zope.interface.Attribute(
+ '''The name of the database of the reference, *if* different.
+ If not different, None.''')
+ klass = zope.interface.Attribute(
+ '''class meta data. Presence is not reliable.''')
+ weak = zope.interface.Attribute(
+ '''bool: whether this reference is weak''')
+ def __cmp__(other):
+ '''if other is equivalent reference, return 0; else raise ValueError.
+ Equivalent in this case means that oid and database_name are the same.
+ If either is a weak reference, we only support `is` equivalence, and
+ otherwise raise a ValueError even if the datbase_names and oids are
+ the same, rather than guess at the correct semantics.
+ It is impossible to sort reliably, since the actual persistent
+ class may have its own comparison, and we have no idea what it is.
+ We assert that it is reasonably safe to assume that an object is
+ equivalent to itself, but that's as much as we can say.
+ We don't compare on 'is other', despite the
+ PersistentReferenceFactory.data cache, because it is possible to
+ have two references to the same object that are spelled with different
+ data (for instance, one with a class and one without).'''
+class PersistentReference(object):
+ zope.interface.implements(IPersistentReference)
+ weak = False
+ oid = database_name = klass = None
+ def __init__(self, data):
+ self.data = data
+ # see serialize.py, ObjectReader._persistent_load
+ if isinstance(data, tuple):
+ self.oid, self.klass = data
+ elif isinstance(data, str):
+ self.oid = data
+ else: # a list
+ reference_type = data[0]
+ # 'm' = multi_persistent: (database_name, oid, klass)
+ # 'n' = multi_oid: (database_name, oid)
+ # 'w' = persistent weakref: (oid)
+ # else it is a weakref: reference_type
+ if reference_type == 'm':
+ self.database_name, self.oid, self.klass = data[1]
+ elif reference_type == 'n':
+ self.database_name, self.oid = data[1]
+ elif reference_type == 'w':
+ self.oid, = data[1]
+ self.weak = True
+ else:
+ assert len(data) == 1, 'unknown reference format'
+ self.oid = data[0]
+ self.weak = True
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ if self is other or (
+ isinstance(other, PersistentReference) and
+ self.oid == other.oid and
+ self.database_name == other.database_name and
+ not self.weak and
+ not other.weak):
+ return 0
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "can't reliably compare against different "
+ "PersistentReferences")
def __repr__(self):
return "PR(%s %s)" % (id(self), self.data)
@@ -70,15 +152,15 @@
data = None
- def persistent_load(self, oid):
+ def persistent_load(self, ref):
if self.data is None:
self.data = {}
- r = self.data.get(oid, None)
+ key = tuple(ref) # lists are not hashable; formats are different enough
+ # even after eliminating list/tuple distinction
+ r = self.data.get(key, None)
if r is None:
- r = PersistentReference()
- r.data = oid
- self.data[oid] = r
+ r = PersistentReference(ref)
+ self.data[key] = r
return r
Added: ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/ConflictResolution.txt
--- ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/ConflictResolution.txt (rev 0)
+++ ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/ConflictResolution.txt 2007-06-23 04:20:55 UTC (rev 76953)
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+Conflict Resolution
+Conflict resolution is a way to resolve transaction conflicts that would
+otherwise abort a transaction. As such, it risks data integrity in order to
+try to avoid throwing away potentially computationally expensive transactions.
+The risk of data integrity should not be underestimated. Writing conflict
+resolution code takes responsibility away from the ZODB for transactional
+integrity, and puts it in the hands of the developer writing the code.
+The current conflict resolution code is implemented with a storage mix-in
+found in ZODB/ConflictResolution.py. The idea's proposal, and an explanation
+of the interface, can be found here:
+Here is the most pertinent section, somewhat modified for this document's
+ A new interface is proposed to allow object authors to provide a method
+ for resolving conflicts. When a conflict is detected, then the database
+ checks to see if the class of the object being saved defines the method,
+ _p_resolveConflict. If the method is defined, then the method is called
+ on the object. If the method succeeds, then the object change can be
+ committed, otherwise a ConflictError is raised as usual.
+ ::
+ def _p_resolveConflict(oldState, savedState, newState):
+ Return the state of the object after resolving different changes.
+ Arguments:
+ oldState
+ The state of the object that the changes made by the current
+ transaction were based on.
+ The method is permitted to modify this value.
+ savedState
+ The state of the object that is currently stored in the
+ database. This state was written after oldState and reflects
+ changes made by a transaction that committed before the
+ current transaction.
+ The method is permitted to modify this value.
+ newState
+ The state after changes made by the current transaction.
+ The method is not permitted to modify this value.
+ This method should compute a new state by merging changes
+ reflected in savedState and newState, relative to oldState.
+ If the method cannot resolve the changes, then it should
+ return None.
+ Consider an extremely simple example, a counter::
+ >>> from persistent import Persistent
+ >>> class PCounter(Persistent):
+ ... '`value` is readonly; increment it with `inc`.'
+ ... _val = 0
+ ... def inc(self):
+ ... self._val += 1
+ ... @property
+ ... def value(self):
+ ... return self._val
+ ... def _p_resolveConflict(self, oldState, savedState, newState):
+ ... oldState['_val'] = (
+ ... savedState.get('_val', 0) +
+ ... newState.get('_val', 0) -
+ ... oldState.get('_val', 0))
+ ... return oldState
+ ...
+By "state", the excerpt above means the value used by __getstate__ and
+__setstate__: a dictionary, in most cases. We'll look at more details below,
+but let's continue the example above with a simple successful resolution
+First we create a storage and a database, and put a PCounter in the database.
+ >>> from ZODB.DB import DB
+ >>> from ZODB.tests.util import ConflictResolvingMappingStorage
+ >>> db = DB(ConflictResolvingMappingStorage())
+ >>> import transaction
+ >>> tm_A = transaction.TransactionManager()
+ >>> conn_A = db.open(transaction_manager=tm_A)
+ >>> p_A = conn_A.root()['p'] = PCounter()
+ >>> p_A.value
+ 0
+ >>> tm_A.commit()
+Now get another copy of 'p' so we can make a conflict. Think of `conn_A`
+(connection A) as one thread, and `conn_B` (connection B) as a concurrent
+thread. `p_A` is a view on the object in the first connection, and `p_B`
+is a view on *the same persistent object* in the second connection.
+ >>> tm_B = transaction.TransactionManager()
+ >>> conn_B = db.open(transaction_manager=tm_B)
+ >>> p_B = conn_B.root()['p']
+ >>> p_B.value
+ 0
+ >>> p_A._p_oid == p_B._p_oid
+ True
+Now we can make a conflict, and see it resolved.
+ >>> p_A.inc()
+ >>> p_A.value
+ 1
+ >>> p_B.inc()
+ >>> p_B.value
+ 1
+ >>> tm_B.commit()
+ >>> p_B.value
+ 1
+ >>> tm_A.commit()
+ >>> p_A.value
+ 2
+We need to synchronize connection B, in any of a variety of ways, to see the
+change from connection A.
+ >>> p_B.value
+ 1
+ >>> trans = tm_B.begin()
+ >>> p_B.value
+ 2
+A very similar class found in real world use is BTrees.Length.Length.
+This conflict resolution approach is simple, yet powerful. However, it
+has a few caveats and rough edges in practice. The simplicity, then, is
+a bit of a disguise. Again, be warned, writing conflict resolution code
+means that you claim significant responsibilty for your data integrity.
+Because of the rough edges, the current conflict resolution approach is slated
+for change (as of this writing, according to Jim Fulton, the ZODB
+primary author and maintainer). Others have talked about different approaches
+as well (see, for instance, http://www.python.org/~jeremy/weblog/031031c.html).
+But for now, the _p_resolveConflict method is what we have.
+Caveats and Dangers
+Here are caveats for working with this conflict resolution approach.
+Each sub-section has a "DANGERS" section that outlines what might happen
+if you ignore the warning. We work from the least danger to the most.
+Conflict Resolution Is on the Server
+If you are using ZEO or ZRS, be aware that the classes for which you have
+conflict resolution code *and* the classes of the non-persistent objects
+they reference must be available to import by the *server* (or ZRS
+DANGERS: You think you are going to get conflict resolution, but you won't.
+Ignore `self`
+Even though the _p_resolveConflict method has a "self", ignore it.
+Don't change it. You make changes by returning the state. This is
+effectively a class method.
+DANGERS: The changes you make to the instance will be discarded. The
+instance is not initiated, so other methods that depend on instance
+attributes will not work.
+Here's an example of a broken _p_resolveConflict method.
+ >>> class PCounter2(PCounter):
+ ... def __init__(self):
+ ... self.data = []
+ ... def _p_resolveConflict(self, oldState, savedState, newState):
+ ... self.data.append('bad idea')
+ ... return super(PCounter2, self)._p_resolveConflict(
+ ... oldState, savedState, newState)
+ ...
+Now we'll prepare for the conflict again.
+ >>> p2_A = conn_A.root()['p2'] = PCounter2()
+ >>> p2_A.value
+ 0
+ >>> tm_A.commit()
+ >>> trans = tm_B.begin() # sync
+ >>> p2_B = conn_B.root()['p2']
+ >>> p2_B.value
+ 0
+ >>> p2_A._p_oid == p2_B._p_oid
+ True
+And now we will make a conflict.
+ >>> p2_A.inc()
+ >>> p2_A.value
+ 1
+ >>> p2_B.inc()
+ >>> p2_B.value
+ 1
+ >>> tm_B.commit()
+ >>> p2_B.value
+ 1
+ >>> tm_A.commit() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ConflictError: database conflict error...
+ >>> tm_A.abort()
+ >>> p2_A.value
+ 1
+ >>> trans = tm_B.begin()
+ >>> p2_B.value
+ 1
+Watch Out for Persistent Objects in the State
+If the object state has a reference to Persistent objects (instances
+of classes that inherit from persistent.Persistent) then these references
+*will not be loaded and are inaccessible*. Instead, persistent objects
+in the state dictionary are ZODB.ConflictResolution.PersistentReference
+instances. These objects have the following interface::
+ class IPersistentReference(zope.interface.Interface):
+ '''public contract for references to persistent objects from an object
+ with conflicts.'''
+ oid = zope.interface.Attribute(
+ 'The oid of the persistent object that this reference represents')
+ database_name = zope.interface.Attribute(
+ '''The name of the database of the reference, *if* different.
+ If not different, None.''')
+ klass = zope.interface.Attribute(
+ '''class meta data. Presence is not reliable.''')
+ weak = zope.interface.Attribute(
+ '''bool: whether this reference is weak''')
+ def __cmp__(other):
+ '''if other is equivalent reference, return 0; else raise ValueError.
+ Equivalent in this case means that oid and database_name are the same.
+ If either is a weak reference, we only support `is` equivalence, and
+ otherwise raise a ValueError even if the datbase_names and oids are
+ the same, rather than guess at the correct semantics.
+ It is impossible to sort reliably, since the actual persistent
+ class may have its own comparison, and we have no idea what it is.
+ We assert that it is reasonably safe to assume that an object is
+ equivalent to itself, but that's as much as we can say.
+ We don't compare on 'is other', despite the
+ PersistentReferenceFactory.data cache, because it is possible to
+ have two references to the same object that are spelled with different
+ data (for instance, one with a class and one without).'''
+So let's look at one of these. Let's assume we have three, `old`,
+`saved`, and `new`, each representing a persistent reference to the same
+object within a _p_resolveConflict call from the oldState, savedState,
+and newState [#get_persistent_reference]_. They have an oid, `weak` is
+False, and `database_name` is None. `klass` happens to be set but this is
+not always the case.
+ >>> isinstance(new.oid, str)
+ True
+ >>> new.weak
+ False
+ >>> print new.database_name
+ None
+ >>> new.klass is PCounter
+ True
+There are a few subtleties to highlight here. First, notice that the
+database_name is only present if this is a cross-database reference
+(see cross-database-references.txt in this directory, and examples
+below). The database name and oid is sometimes a reasonable way to
+reliably sort Persistent objects (see zope.app.keyreference, for
+instance) but if your code compares one PersistentReference with a
+database_name and another without, you need to refuse to give an answer
+and raise an exception, because you can't know how the unknown
+database_name sorts.
+We already saw a persistent reference with a database_name of None. Now
+let's suppose `new` is an example of a cross-database reference from a
+database named '2' [#cross-database]_.
+ >>> new.database_name
+ '2'
+As seen, the database_name is available for this cross-database reference,
+and not for others. References to persistent objects, as defined in
+seialize.py, have other variations, such as weak references, which are
+handled but not discussed here [#instantiation_test]_
+Second, notice the __cmp__ behavior [#cmp_test]_. This is new behavior
+after ZODB 3.8 and addresses a serious problem for when persistent
+objects are compared in an _p_resolveConflict, such as that in the ZODB
+BTrees code. Prior to this change, it was not safe to use Persistent
+objects as keys in a BTree. You needed to define a __cmp__ for them to
+be sorted reliably out of the context of conflict resolution, but then
+during conflict resolution the sorting would be arbitrary, on the basis
+of the persistent reference's memory location. This could have lead to
+inconsistent state for BTrees (or BTree module buckets or tree sets or sets).
+Here's an example of how the new behavior stops potentially incorrect
+ >>> import BTrees
+ >>> treeset_A = conn_A.root()['treeset'] = BTrees.family32.OI.TreeSet()
+ >>> tm_A.commit()
+ >>> trans = tm_B.begin() # sync
+ >>> treeset_B = conn_B.root()['treeset']
+ >>> treeset_A.insert(PCounter())
+ 1
+ >>> treeset_B.insert(PCounter())
+ 1
+ >>> tm_B.commit()
+ >>> tm_A.commit() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ConflictError: database conflict error...
+ >>> tm_A.abort()
+Third, note that, even if the persistent object to which the reference refers
+changes in the same transaction, the reference is still the same.
+DANGERS: subtle and potentially serious. Beyond the two subtleties above,
+which should now be addressed, there is a general problem for objects that
+are composites of smaller persistent objects--for instance, a BTree, in
+which the BTree and each bucket is a persistent object; or a
+zc.queue.CompositePersistentQueue, which is a persistent queue of
+persistent queues. Consider the following situation. It is actually solved,
+but it is a concrete example of what might go wrong.
+A BTree (persistent object) has a two buckets (persistent objects). The
+second bucket has one persistent object in it. Concurrently, one thread
+deletes the one object in the second bucket, which causes the BTree to dump
+the bucket; and another thread puts an object in the second bucket. What
+happens during conflict resolution? Remember, each persistent object cannot
+see the other. From the perspective of the BTree object, it has no
+conflicts: one transaction modified it, causing it to lose a bucket; and the
+other transaction did not change it. From the perspective of the bucket,
+one transaction deleted an object and the other added it: it will resolve
+conflicts and say that the bucket has the new object and not the old one.
+However, it will be garbage collected, and effectively the addition of the
+new object will be lost.
+As mentioned, this story is actually solved for BTrees. As
+BTrees/MergeTemplate.c explains, whenever savedState or newState for a bucket
+shows an empty bucket, the code refuses to resolve the conflict: this avoids
+the situation above.
+ >>> bucket_A = conn_A.root()['bucket'] = BTrees.family32.II.Bucket()
+ >>> bucket_A[0] = 255
+ >>> tm_A.commit()
+ >>> trans = tm_B.begin() # sync
+ >>> bucket_B = conn_B.root()['bucket']
+ >>> bucket_B[1] = 254
+ >>> del bucket_A[0]
+ >>> tm_B.commit()
+ >>> tm_A.commit() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ConflictError: database conflict error...
+ >>> tm_A.abort()
+However, the story highlights the kinds of subtle problems that units
+made up of multiple composite Persistent objects need to contemplate.
+Any structure made up of objects that contain persistent objects with
+conflict resolution code, as a catalog index is made up of multiple
+BTree Buckets and Sets, each with conflict resolution, needs to think
+through these kinds of problems or be faced with potential data
+integrity issues.
+.. ......... ..
+.. ......... ..
+.. [#get_persistent_reference] We'll catch persistent references with a class
+ mutable.
+ >>> class PCounter3(PCounter):
+ ... data = []
+ ... def _p_resolveConflict(self, oldState, savedState, newState):
+ ... PCounter3.data.append(
+ ... (oldState.get('other'),
+ ... savedState.get('other'),
+ ... newState.get('other')))
+ ... return super(PCounter3, self)._p_resolveConflict(
+ ... oldState, savedState, newState)
+ ...
+ >>> p3_A = conn_A.root()['p3'] = PCounter3()
+ >>> p3_A.other = conn_A.root()['p']
+ >>> tm_A.commit()
+ >>> trans = tm_B.begin() # sync
+ >>> p3_B = conn_B.root()['p3']
+ >>> p3_A.inc()
+ >>> p3_B.inc()
+ >>> tm_B.commit()
+ >>> tm_A.commit()
+ >>> old, saved, new = PCounter3.data[-1]
+.. [#cross-database] We need a whole different set of databases for this.
+ See cross-database-references.txt in this directory for a discussion of
+ what is going on here.
+ >>> databases = {}
+ >>> db1 = DB(ConflictResolvingMappingStorage(),
+ ... databases=databases, database_name='1')
+ >>> db2 = DB(ConflictResolvingMappingStorage(),
+ ... databases=databases, database_name='2')
+ >>> tm_multi_A = transaction.TransactionManager()
+ >>> conn_1A = db1.open(transaction_manager=tm_multi_A)
+ >>> conn_2A = conn_1A.get_connection('2')
+ >>> p4_1A = conn_1A.root()['p4'] = PCounter3()
+ >>> p5_2A = conn_2A.root()['p5'] = PCounter3()
+ >>> conn_2A.add(p5_2A)
+ >>> p4_1A.other = p5_2A
+ >>> tm_multi_A.commit()
+ >>> tm_multi_B = transaction.TransactionManager()
+ >>> conn_1B = db1.open(transaction_manager=tm_multi_B)
+ >>> p4_1B = conn_1B.root()['p4']
+ >>> p4_1A.inc()
+ >>> p4_1B.inc()
+ >>> tm_multi_B.commit()
+ >>> tm_multi_A.commit()
+ >>> old, saved, new = PCounter3.data[-1]
+.. [#instantiation_test] We'll simply instantiate PersistentReferences
+ with examples of types described in ZODB/serialize.py.
+ >>> from ZODB.ConflictResolution import PersistentReference
+ >>> ref1 = PersistentReference('my_oid')
+ >>> ref1.oid
+ 'my_oid'
+ >>> print ref1.klass
+ None
+ >>> print ref1.database_name
+ None
+ >>> ref1.weak
+ False
+ >>> ref2 = PersistentReference(('my_oid', 'my_class'))
+ >>> ref2.oid
+ 'my_oid'
+ >>> ref2.klass
+ 'my_class'
+ >>> print ref2.database_name
+ None
+ >>> ref2.weak
+ False
+ >>> ref3 = PersistentReference(['w', ('my_oid',)])
+ >>> ref3.oid
+ 'my_oid'
+ >>> print ref3.klass
+ None
+ >>> print ref3.database_name
+ None
+ >>> ref3.weak
+ True
+ >>> ref4 = PersistentReference(['m', ('other_db', 'my_oid', 'my_class')])
+ >>> ref4.oid
+ 'my_oid'
+ >>> ref4.klass
+ 'my_class'
+ >>> ref4.database_name
+ 'other_db'
+ >>> ref4.weak
+ False
+ >>> ref5 = PersistentReference(['n', ('other_db', 'my_oid')])
+ >>> ref5.oid
+ 'my_oid'
+ >>> print ref5.klass
+ None
+ >>> ref5.database_name
+ 'other_db'
+ >>> ref5.weak
+ False
+ >>> ref6 = PersistentReference(['my_oid']) # legacy
+ >>> ref6.oid
+ 'my_oid'
+ >>> print ref6.klass
+ None
+ >>> print ref6.database_name
+ None
+ >>> ref6.weak
+ True
+.. [#cmp_test] All references are equal to themselves.
+ >>> ref1 == ref1 and ref2 == ref2 and ref4 == ref4 and ref5 == ref5
+ True
+ >>> ref3 == ref3 and ref6 == ref6 # weak references
+ True
+ Non-weak references with the same oid and database_name are equal.
+ >>> ref1 == ref2 and ref4 == ref5
+ True
+ Everything else raises a ValueError: weak references with the same oid and
+ database, and references with a different database_name or oid.
+ >>> ref3 == ref6
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ValueError: can't reliably compare against different PersistentReferences
+ >>> ref1 == PersistentReference(('another_oid', 'my_class'))
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ValueError: can't reliably compare against different PersistentReferences
+ >>> ref4 == PersistentReference(
+ ... ['m', ('another_db', 'my_oid', 'my_class')])
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ValueError: can't reliably compare against different PersistentReferences
Property changes on: ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/ConflictResolution.txt
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
Added: ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/testconflictresolution.py
--- ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/testconflictresolution.py (rev 0)
+++ ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/testconflictresolution.py 2007-06-23 04:20:55 UTC (rev 76953)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2007 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.0 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+import unittest
+from zope.testing import doctest, module
+def setUp(test):
+ module.setUp(test, 'ConflictResolution_txt')
+def tearDown(test):
+ test.globs['db'].close()
+ test.globs['db1'].close()
+ test.globs['db2'].close()
+ module.tearDown(test)
+def test_suite():
+ return unittest.TestSuite((
+ doctest.DocFileSuite('../ConflictResolution.txt',
+ setUp=setUp,
+ tearDown=tearDown,
+ optionflags=doctest.INTERPRET_FOOTNOTES,
+ ),
+ ))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')
Modified: ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/util.py
--- ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/util.py 2007-06-23 04:13:28 UTC (rev 76952)
+++ ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/util.py 2007-06-23 04:20:55 UTC (rev 76953)
@@ -25,11 +25,61 @@
import persistent
import transaction
from ZODB.MappingStorage import MappingStorage
+from ZODB.ConflictResolution import ConflictResolvingStorage
from ZODB.DB import DB as _DB
+from ZODB import POSException
def DB(name='Test', **dbargs):
return _DB(MappingStorage(name), **dbargs)
+class ConflictResolvingMappingStorage(
+ MappingStorage, ConflictResolvingStorage):
+ def __init__(self, name='ConflictResolvingMappingStorage'):
+ MappingStorage.__init__(self, name)
+ self._old = {}
+ def loadSerial(self, oid, serial):
+ self._lock_acquire()
+ try:
+ old_info = self._old[oid]
+ try:
+ return old_info[serial]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise POSException.POSKeyError(oid)
+ finally:
+ self._lock_release()
+ def store(self, oid, serial, data, version, transaction):
+ if transaction is not self._transaction:
+ raise POSException.StorageTransactionError(self, transaction)
+ if version:
+ raise POSException.Unsupported("Versions aren't supported")
+ self._lock_acquire()
+ try:
+ if oid in self._index:
+ oserial = self._index[oid][:8]
+ if serial != oserial:
+ rdata = self.tryToResolveConflict(
+ oid, oserial, serial, data)
+ if rdata is None:
+ raise POSException.ConflictError(
+ oid=oid, serials=(oserial, serial), data=data)
+ else:
+ data = rdata
+ self._tindex[oid] = self._tid + data
+ finally:
+ self._lock_release()
+ return self._tid
+ def _finish(self, tid, user, desc, ext):
+ self._index.update(self._tindex)
+ self._ltid = self._tid
+ for oid, record in self._tindex.items():
+ self._old.setdefault(oid, {})[self._tid] = record[8:]
def commit():
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