[Zodb-checkins] SVN: ZODB/trunk/ Remove the transaction package; we now have a setuptools install_requires dependency that must be satisfied to get it.

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Fri Nov 9 15:16:10 EST 2007

Log message for revision 81670:
  Remove the transaction package; we now have a setuptools install_requires dependency that must be satisfied to get it.
  Setup.py now no longer works without setuptools installed.
  To see the state of the world directly before this change was made, see http://svn.zope.org/ZODB/tags/before_transaction_remove .

  U   ZODB/trunk/NEWS.txt
  U   ZODB/trunk/setup.py
  D   ZODB/trunk/src/transaction/

Modified: ZODB/trunk/NEWS.txt
--- ZODB/trunk/NEWS.txt	2007-11-09 20:13:50 UTC (rev 81669)
+++ ZODB/trunk/NEWS.txt	2007-11-09 20:16:09 UTC (rev 81670)
@@ -15,6 +15,12 @@
 - (3.9.0a1) Make it possible to examine oid and (in some situations) database
   name of persistent object references during conflict resolution.
+- (unreleased, after 3.9.0a1) Moved 'transaction' module out of ZODB.
+  ZODB depends upon this module, but it must be installed separately.
+- (unreleased, after 3.9.0a1) ZODB installation now requires
+  setuptools.
@@ -25,7 +31,9 @@
+- (unlreleased, after 3.9.0a1) 'transaction' module is not included in
+  ZODB anymore.  It is now just a ZODB dependency (via setuptools
+  declarations).

Modified: ZODB/trunk/setup.py
--- ZODB/trunk/setup.py	2007-11-09 20:13:50 UTC (rev 81669)
+++ ZODB/trunk/setup.py	2007-11-09 20:16:09 UTC (rev 81670)
@@ -38,26 +38,9 @@
 Operating System :: Unix
-    from setuptools import setup
-except ImportError:
-    from distutils.core import setup
-    extra = dict(
-        scripts = ["src/ZODB/scripts/fsdump.py",
-                   "src/ZODB/scripts/fsoids.py",
-                   "src/ZODB/scripts/fsrefs.py",
-                   "src/ZODB/scripts/fstail.py",
-                   "src/ZODB/scripts/fstest.py",
-                   "src/ZODB/scripts/repozo.py",
-                   "src/ZEO/scripts/zeopack.py",
-                   "src/ZEO/scripts/runzeo.py",
-                   "src/ZEO/scripts/zeopasswd.py",
-                   "src/ZEO/scripts/mkzeoinst.py",
-                   "src/ZEO/scripts/zeoctl.py",
-                   ],
-        )
-    entry_points = """
+from setuptools import setup
+entry_points = """
     fsdump = ZODB.FileStorage.fsdump:main
     fsoids = ZODB.scripts.fsoids:main
@@ -70,20 +53,9 @@
     mkzeoinst = ZEO.mkzeoinst:main
     zeoctl = ZEO.zeoctl:main
-    extra = dict(
-        install_requires = [
-            'zope.interface',
-            'zope.proxy',
-            'zope.testing',
-            'ZConfig',
-            'zdaemon',
-            ],
-        zip_safe = False,
-        entry_points = entry_points,
-        include_package_data = True,
-        )
-    scripts = []
+scripts = []
 import glob
 import os
 import sys
@@ -177,7 +149,6 @@
             "ZODB", "ZODB.FileStorage", "ZODB.tests",
             "persistent", "persistent.tests",
-            "transaction", "transaction.tests",
             "ZopeUndo", "ZopeUndo.tests",
@@ -188,8 +159,6 @@
     extensions = ["*.conf", "*.xml", "*.txt", "*.sh"]
     directories = [
-        "transaction",
-        "transaction/tests",
@@ -260,4 +229,27 @@
       classifiers = filter(None, classifiers.split("\n")),
       long_description = "\n".join(doclines[2:]),
       distclass = MyDistribution,
-      **extra)
+      install_requires = [
+        'zope.interface',
+        'zope.proxy',
+        'zope.testing',
+        'ZConfig',
+        'zdaemon',
+        'transaction',
+        ],
+      zip_safe = False,
+      entry_points = """
+      [console_scripts]
+      fsdump = ZODB.FileStorage.fsdump:main
+      fsoids = ZODB.scripts.fsoids:main
+      fsrefs = ZODB.scripts.fsrefs:main
+      fstail = ZODB.scripts.fstail:Main
+      repozo = ZODB.scripts.repozo:main
+      zeopack = ZEO.scripts.zeopack:main
+      runzeo = ZEO.runzeo:main
+      zeopasswd = ZEO.zeopasswd:main
+      mkzeoinst = ZEO.mkzeoinst:main
+      zeoctl = ZEO.zeoctl:main
+      """,
+      include_package_data = True,
+      )

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