[Zodb-checkins] SVN: ZODB/trunk/ make historical connection cache story a bit more predictable: you set a total number of historical connections, not one per serial. Also remove "historical future" connections--I should have seen seen/remembered lastTransaction. Now attempts to create historical future connections raise an error, as they should.

Gary Poster gary at zope.com
Tue Nov 27 23:43:15 EST 2007

Log message for revision 82001:
  make historical connection cache story a bit more predictable: you set a total number of historical connections, not one per serial.  Also remove "historical future" connections--I should have seen seen/remembered lastTransaction.  Now attempts to create historical future connections raise an error, as they should.

  U   ZODB/trunk/NEWS.txt
  U   ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/Connection.py
  U   ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/DB.py
  U   ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/historical_connections.txt
  U   ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/dbopen.txt
  U   ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/testDB.py

Modified: ZODB/trunk/NEWS.txt
--- ZODB/trunk/NEWS.txt	2007-11-27 23:45:51 UTC (rev 82000)
+++ ZODB/trunk/NEWS.txt	2007-11-28 04:43:14 UTC (rev 82001)
@@ -59,8 +59,7 @@
 - (3.9.0a1) Fixed bug #129921: getSize() function in BlobStorage could not
   deal with garbage files
-- (unreleased, after 3.9.0a1) Fixed bug in which MVCC would not work for
-  blobs.
+- (3.9.0a1) Fixed bug in which MVCC would not work for blobs.

Modified: ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/Connection.py
--- ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/Connection.py	2007-11-27 23:45:51 UTC (rev 82000)
+++ ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/Connection.py	2007-11-28 04:43:14 UTC (rev 82001)
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
         # During commit, all objects go to either _modified or _creating:
         # Dict of oid->flag of new objects (without serial), either
-        # added by add() or implicitely added (discovered by the
+        # added by add() or implicitly added (discovered by the
         # serializer during commit). The flag is True for implicit
         # adding. Used during abort to remove created objects from the
         # _cache, and by persistent_id to check that a new object isn't
@@ -322,9 +322,8 @@
     def invalidate(self, tid, oids):
         """Notify the Connection that transaction 'tid' invalidated oids."""
-        if self.before is not None and tid > self.before:
-            # this is an historical connection, and the tid is after the
-            # freeze.  Invalidations are irrelevant.
+        if self.before is not None:
+            # this is an historical connection.  Invalidations are irrelevant.
@@ -824,28 +823,11 @@
         if self.before is not None:
             # Load data that was current before the time we have.
-            if self._txn_time is not None: # MVCC for readonly future conn.
-                before = self._txn_time
-                has_invalidated = True
-            else:
-                before = self.before
-                has_invalidated = False
+            before = self.before
             t = self._storage.loadBefore(obj._p_oid, before)
             if t is None:
-                raise POSKeyError()
+                raise POSKeyError() # historical connection!
             p, serial, end = t
-            if not has_invalidated and end is None:
-                # MVCC: make sure another thread has not beaten us to the punch
-                self._inv_lock.acquire()
-                try:
-                    txn_time = self._txn_time
-                finally:
-                    self._inv_lock.release()
-                if txn_time is not None and txn_time < before:
-                    t = self._storage.loadBefore(obj._p_oid, txn_time)
-                    if t is None:
-                        raise POSKeyError()
-                    p, serial, end = t
             # There is a harmless data race with self._invalidated.  A

Modified: ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/DB.py
--- ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/DB.py	2007-11-27 23:45:51 UTC (rev 82000)
+++ ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/DB.py	2007-11-28 04:43:14 UTC (rev 82001)
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 logger = logging.getLogger('ZODB.DB')
-class _ConnectionPool(object):
+class AbstractConnectionPool(object):
     """Manage a pool of connections.
     CAUTION:  Methods should be called under the protection of a lock.
@@ -67,43 +67,58 @@
     connectionDebugInfo() can still gather statistics.
-    def __init__(self, pool_size, timeout=None):
+    def __init__(self, size, timeout=None):
         # The largest # of connections we expect to see alive simultaneously.
-        self.pool_size = pool_size
+        self._size = size
         # The minimum number of seconds that an available connection should
         # be kept, or None.
-        self.timeout = timeout
+        self._timeout = timeout
         # A weak set of all connections we've seen.  A connection vanishes
         # from this set if pop() hands it out, it's not reregistered via
         # repush(), and it becomes unreachable.
         self.all = WeakSet()
-        # A stack of connections available to hand out.  This is a subset
-        # of self.all.  push() and repush() add to this, and may remove
-        # the oldest available connections if the pool is too large.
-        # pop() pops this stack.  There are never more than pool_size entries
-        # in this stack.  The keys are time.time() values of the push or
-        # repush calls.
-        self.available = BTrees.OOBTree.Bucket()
-    def set_pool_size(self, pool_size):
+    def setSize(self, size):
         """Change our belief about the expected maximum # of live connections.
         If the pool_size is smaller than the current value, this may discard
         the oldest available connections.
-        self.pool_size = pool_size
+        self._size = size
-    def set_timeout(self, timeout):
-        old = self.timeout
-        self.timeout = timeout
+    def setTimeout(self, timeout):
+        old = self._timeout
+        self._timeout = timeout
         if timeout is not None and old != timeout and (
             old is None or old > timeout):
+    def getSize(self):
+        return self._size
+    def getTimeout(self):
+        return self._timeout
+    timeout = property(getTimeout, setTimeout)
+    size = property(getSize, setSize)
+class ConnectionPool(AbstractConnectionPool):
+    def __init__(self, size, timeout=None):
+        super(ConnectionPool, self).__init__(size, timeout)
+        # A stack of connections available to hand out.  This is a subset
+        # of self.all.  push() and repush() add to this, and may remove
+        # the oldest available connections if the pool is too large.
+        # pop() pops this stack.  There are never more than size entries
+        # in this stack.  The keys are time.time() values of the push or
+        # repush calls.
+        self.available = BTrees.OOBTree.Bucket()
     def push(self, c):
         """Register a new available connection.
@@ -116,7 +131,7 @@
         self.available[time()] = c
         n = len(self.all)
-        limit = self.pool_size
+        limit = self.size
         if n > limit:
             reporter = logger.warn
             if n > 2 * limit:
@@ -144,7 +159,7 @@
             threshhold = None
             threshhold = time() - self.timeout
-        target = self.pool_size
+        target = self.size
         if strictly_less:
             target -= 1
         for t, c in list(self.available.items()):
@@ -208,6 +223,109 @@
+class KeyedConnectionPool(AbstractConnectionPool):
+    # this pool keeps track of keyed connections all together.  It makes
+    # it possible to make assertions about total numbers of keyed connections.
+    # The keys in this case are "before" TIDs, but this is used by other
+    # packages as well.
+    # see the comments in ConnectionPool for method descriptions.
+    def __init__(self, size, timeout=None):
+        super(KeyedConnectionPool, self).__init__(size, timeout)
+        # key: {time.time: connection}
+        self.available = BTrees.family32.OO.Bucket()
+        # time.time: key
+        self.closed = BTrees.family32.OO.Bucket()
+    def push(self, c, key):
+        assert c not in self.all
+        available = self.available.get(key)
+        if available is None:
+            available = self.available[key] = BTrees.family32.OO.Bucket()
+        else:
+            assert c not in available.values()
+        self._reduce_size(strictly_less=True)
+        self.all.add(c)
+        t = time()
+        available[t] = c
+        self.closed[t] = key
+        n = len(self.all)
+        limit = self.size
+        if n > limit:
+            reporter = logger.warn
+            if n > 2 * limit:
+                reporter = logger.critical
+            reporter("DB.open() has %s open connections with a size "
+                     "of %s", n, limit)
+    def repush(self, c, key):
+        assert c in self.all
+        self._reduce_size(strictly_less=True)
+        available = self.available.get(key)
+        if available is None:
+            available = self.available[key] = BTrees.family32.OO.Bucket()
+        else:
+            assert c not in available.values()
+        t = time()
+        available[t] = c
+        self.closed[t] = key
+    def _reduce_size(self, strictly_less=False):
+        if self.timeout is None:
+            threshhold = None
+        else:
+            threshhold = time() - self.timeout
+        target = self.size
+        if strictly_less:
+            target -= 1
+        for t, key in tuple(self.closed.items()):
+            if (len(self.available) > target or
+                threshhold is not None and t < threshhold):
+                del self.closed[t]
+                c = self.available[key].pop(t)
+                if not self.available[key]:
+                    del self.available[key]
+                self.all.remove(c)
+                c._resetCache()
+            else:
+                break
+    def reduce_size(self):
+        self._reduce_size()
+    def pop(self, key):
+        result = None
+        available = self.available.get(key)
+        if available:
+            t = available.maxKey()
+            result = available.pop(t)
+            del self.closed[t]
+            if not available:
+                del self.available[key]
+            assert result in self.all
+        return result
+    def map(self, f):
+        self.all.map(f)
+    def availableGC(self):
+        if self.timeout is None:
+            threshhold = None
+        else:
+            threshhold = time() - self.timeout
+        for t, key in tuple(self.closed.items()):
+            if threshhold is not None and t < threshhold:
+                del self.closed[t]
+                c = self.available[key].pop(t)
+                if not self.available[key]:
+                    del self.available[key]
+                self.all.remove(c)
+                c._resetCache()
+            else:
+                self.available[key][t].cacheGC()
 def toTimeStamp(dt):
     utc_struct = dt.utctimetuple()
     # if this is a leapsecond, this will probably fail.  That may be a good
@@ -263,8 +381,8 @@
       - `Inspection Methods`: getName, getSize, objectCount,
         getActivityMonitor, setActivityMonitor
       - `Connection Pool Methods`: getPoolSize, getHistoricalPoolSize,
-        removeHistoricalPool, setPoolSize, setHistoricalPoolSize,
-        getHistoricalTimeout, setHistoricalTimeout
+        setPoolSize, setHistoricalPoolSize, getHistoricalTimeout,
+        setHistoricalTimeout
       - `Transaction Methods`: invalidate
       - `Other Methods`: lastTransaction, connectionDebugInfo
       - `Cache Inspection Methods`: cacheDetail, cacheExtremeDetail,
@@ -292,8 +410,8 @@
           - `storage`: the storage used by the database, e.g. FileStorage
           - `pool_size`: expected maximum number of open connections
           - `cache_size`: target size of Connection object cache
-          - `historical_pool_size`: expected maximum number of connections (per
-            historical, or transaction, identifier)
+          - `historical_pool_size`: expected maximum number of total
+            historical connections
           - `historical_cache_size`: target size of Connection object cache for
             historical (`at` or `before`) connections
           - `historical_timeout`: minimum number of seconds that
@@ -304,14 +422,12 @@
         self._a = x.acquire
         self._r = x.release
-        # Setup connection pools and cache info
-        # _pools maps a tid identifier, or '', to a _ConnectionPool object.
-        self._pools = {}
-        self._pool_size = pool_size
+        # pools and cache sizes
+        self.pool = ConnectionPool(pool_size)
+        self.historical_pool = KeyedConnectionPool(historical_pool_size,
+                                                   historical_timeout)
         self._cache_size = cache_size
-        self._historical_pool_size = historical_pool_size
         self._historical_cache_size = historical_cache_size
-        self._historical_timeout = historical_timeout
         # Setup storage
@@ -394,20 +510,10 @@
             if am is not None:
-            before = connection.before or ''
-            try:
-                pool = self._pools[before]
-            except KeyError:
-                # No such tid. We must have deleted the pool.
-                # Just let the connection go.
-                # We need to break circular refs to make it really go.
-                # TODO:  Figure out exactly which objects are involved in the
-                # cycle.
-                connection.__dict__.clear()
-                return
-            pool.repush(connection)
+            if connection.before:
+                self.historical_pool.repush(connection, connection.before)
+            else:
+                self.pool.repush(connection)
@@ -416,8 +522,8 @@
-            for pool in self._pools.values():
-                pool.map(f)
+            self.pool.map(f)
+            self.historical_pool.map(f)
@@ -543,19 +649,19 @@
         return self._storage.getName()
     def getPoolSize(self):
-        return self._pool_size
+        return self.pool.size
     def getSize(self):
         return self._storage.getSize()
-    def getHistoricalCacheSize(self):            
+    def getHistoricalCacheSize(self):
         return self._historical_cache_size
     def getHistoricalPoolSize(self):
-        return self._historical_pool_size
+        return self.historical_pool.size
     def getHistoricalTimeout(self):
-        return self._historical_timeout
+        return self.historical_pool.timeout
     def invalidate(self, tid, oids, connection=None, version=''):
         """Invalidate references to a given oid.
@@ -602,58 +708,42 @@
         # `at` is normalized to `before`, since we use storage.loadBefore
         # as the underlying implementation of both.
         before = getTID(at, before)
+        if (before is not None and
+            before > self.lastTransaction() and
+            before > getTID(self.lastTransaction(), None)):
+            raise ValueError(
+                'cannot open an historical connection in the future.')
-            # pool <- the _ConnectionPool for this `before` tid
-            pool = self._pools.get(before or '')
-            if pool is None:
-                if before is not None:
-                    size = self._historical_pool_size
-                    timeout = self._historical_timeout
-                else:
-                    size = self._pool_size
-                    timeout = None
-                self._pools[before or ''] = pool = _ConnectionPool(
-                    size, timeout)
-            assert pool is not None
             # result <- a connection
-            result = pool.pop()
-            if result is None:
-                if before is not None:
-                    size = self._historical_cache_size
-                else:
-                    size = self._cache_size
-                c = self.klass(self, size, before)
-                pool.push(c)
-                result = pool.pop()
+            if before is not None:
+                result = self.historical_pool.pop(before)
+                if result is None:
+                    c = self.klass(self, self._historical_cache_size, before)
+                    self.historical_pool.push(c, before)
+                    result = self.historical_pool.pop(before)
+            else:
+                result = self.pool.pop()
+                if result is None:
+                    c = self.klass(self, self._cache_size)
+                    self.pool.push(c)
+                    result = self.pool.pop()
             assert result is not None
-            # Tell the connection it belongs to self.
+            # open the connection.
             # A good time to do some cache cleanup.
             # (note we already have the lock)
-            for key, pool in tuple(self._pools.items()):
-                pool.availableGC()
-                if not len(pool.available) and not len(pool.all):
-                    del self._pools[key]
+            self.pool.availableGC()
+            self.historical_pool.availableGC()
             return result
-    def removeHistoricalPool(self, at=None, before=None):
-        if at is None and before is None:
-            raise ValueError('must pass one of `at` or `before`')
-        before = getTID(at, before)
-        try:
-            del self._pools[before]
-        except KeyError:
-            pass
     def connectionDebugInfo(self):
         result = []
         t = time()
@@ -717,11 +807,9 @@
             self._cache_size = size
-            pool = self._pools.get('')
-            if pool is not None:
-                def setsize(c):
-                    c._cache.cache_size = size
-                pool.map(setsize)
+            def setsize(c):
+                c._cache.cache_size = size
+            self.pool.map(setsize)
@@ -731,38 +819,28 @@
             self._historical_cache_size = size
             def setsize(c):
                 c._cache.cache_size = size
-            for tid, pool in self._pools.items():
-                if tid:
-                    pool.map(setsize)
+            self.historical_pool.map(setsize)
     def setPoolSize(self, size):
-        self._pool_size = size
-        self._reset_pool_sizes(size, for_historical=False)
+        self._a()
+        try:
+            self.pool.size = size
+        finally:
+            self._r()
-    def setHistoricalPoolSize(self, size):        
-        self._historical_pool_size = size
-        self._reset_pool_sizes(size, for_historical=True)
-    def _reset_pool_sizes(self, size, for_historical=False):
+    def setHistoricalPoolSize(self, size):
-            for tid, pool in self._pools.items():
-                if (tid != '') == for_historical:
-                    pool.set_pool_size(size)
+            self.historical_pool.size = size
     def setHistoricalTimeout(self, timeout):
-        self._historical_timeout = timeout
-            for tid, pool in tuple(self._pools.items()):
-                if tid:
-                    pool.set_timeout(timeout)
-                    if not pool.available and not pool.all:
-                        del self._pools[tid]
+            self.historical_pool.timeout = timeout

Modified: ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/historical_connections.txt
--- ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/historical_connections.txt	2007-11-27 23:45:51 UTC (rev 82000)
+++ ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/historical_connections.txt	2007-11-28 04:43:14 UTC (rev 82001)
@@ -131,9 +131,9 @@
-Like normal connections, the database lets you set how many historical
-connections can be active without generating a warning for a given serial, and
-how many objects should be kept in each connection's object cache.
+Like normal connections, the database lets you set how many total historical
+connections can be active without generating a warning, and
+how many objects should be kept in each historical connection's object cache.
     >>> db.getHistoricalPoolSize()
@@ -182,32 +182,72 @@
 has been a black box up to now.  We'll actually do some white box examination
 of what is going on in the database, pools and connections.
-First we'll clean out all the old historical pools so we have a clean slate.
+Historical connections are held in a single connection pool with mappings
+from the ``before`` TID to available connections.  First we'll put a new
+pool on the database so we have a clean slate.
     >>> historical_conn.close()
-    >>> db.removeHistoricalPool(at=now)
-    >>> db.removeHistoricalPool(at=historical_serial)
-    >>> db.removeHistoricalPool(before=serial)
+    >>> from ZODB.DB import KeyedConnectionPool
+    >>> db.historical_pool = KeyedConnectionPool(
+    ...     db.historical_pool.size, db.historical_pool.timeout)
-Now lets look what happens to the pools when we create an historical
+Now lets look what happens to the pool when we create and close an historical
-    >>> pools = db._pools
-    >>> len(pools)
-    1
-    >>> pools.keys()
-    ['']
+    >>> pool = db.historical_pool
+    >>> len(pool.all)
+    0
+    >>> len(pool.available)
+    0
     >>> historical_conn = db.open(
     ...     transaction_manager=transaction1, before=serial)
-    >>> len(pools)
-    2
-    >>> set(pools.keys()) == set(('', serial))
+    >>> len(pool.all)
+    1
+    >>> len(pool.available)
+    0
+    >>> historical_conn in pool.all
-    >>> pool = pools[serial]
+    >>> historical_conn.close()
     >>> len(pool.all)
     >>> len(pool.available)
+    1
+    >>> pool.available.keys()[0] == serial
+    True
+    >>> len(pool.available.values()[0])
+    1
+Now we'll open and close two for the same serial to see what happens to the
+data structures.
+    >>> historical_conn is db.open(
+    ...     transaction_manager=transaction1, before=serial)
+    True
+    >>> len(pool.all)
+    1
+    >>> len(pool.available)
+    >>> transaction2 = transaction.TransactionManager()
+    >>> historical_conn2 = db.open(
+    ...     transaction_manager=transaction2, before=serial)
+    >>> len(pool.all)
+    2
+    >>> len(pool.available)
+    0
+    >>> historical_conn2.close()
+    >>> len(pool.all)
+    2
+    >>> len(pool.available)
+    1
+    >>> len(pool.available.values()[0])
+    1
+    >>> historical_conn.close()
+    >>> len(pool.all)
+    2
+    >>> len(pool.available)
+    1
+    >>> len(pool.available.values()[0])
+    2
 If you change the historical cache size, that changes the size of the
 persistent cache on our connection.
@@ -218,26 +258,18 @@
     >>> historical_conn._cache.cache_size
-Now let's look at pool sizes.  We'll set it to two, then make and close three
+Now let's look at pool sizes.  We'll set it to two, then open and close three
 connections.  We should end up with only two available connections.
     >>> db.setHistoricalPoolSize(2)
-    >>> transaction2 = transaction.TransactionManager()
+    >>> historical_conn = db.open(
+    ...     transaction_manager=transaction1, before=serial)
     >>> historical_conn2 = db.open(
     ...     transaction_manager=transaction2, before=serial)
-    >>> len(pools)
-    2
-    >>> len(pool.all)
-    2
-    >>> len(pool.available)
-    0
     >>> transaction3 = transaction.TransactionManager()
     >>> historical_conn3 = db.open(
-    ...     transaction_manager=transaction3, before=serial)
-    >>> len(pools)
-    2
+    ...     transaction_manager=transaction3, at=historical_serial)
     >>> len(pool.all)
     >>> len(pool.available)
@@ -248,23 +280,35 @@
     >>> len(pool.available)
+    >>> len(pool.available.values()[0])
+    1
     >>> historical_conn2.close()
     >>> len(pool.all)
     >>> len(pool.available)
+    >>> len(pool.available.values()[0])
+    1
+    >>> len(pool.available.values()[1])
+    1
     >>> historical_conn.close()
     >>> len(pool.all)
     >>> len(pool.available)
+    1
+    >>> len(pool.available.values()[0])
+Notice it dumped the one that was closed at the earliest time.
 Finally, we'll look at the timeout.  We'll need to monkeypatch ``time`` for
 this.  (The funky __import__ of DB is because some ZODB __init__ shenanigans
 make the DB class mask the DB module.)
+    >>> db.getHistoricalTimeout()
+    400
     >>> import time
     >>> delta = 200
     >>> def stub_time():
@@ -276,8 +320,6 @@
     >>> historical_conn = db.open(before=serial)
-    >>> len(pools)
-    2
     >>> len(pool.all)
     >>> len(pool.available)
@@ -288,35 +330,22 @@
     >>> delta += 200
     >>> historical_conn.close()
-    >>> len(pools)
-    2
     >>> len(pool.all)
     >>> len(pool.available)
-An open also does garbage collection on the pools themselves.
-    >>> delta += 400
-    >>> conn = db.open() # normal connection
-    >>> len(pools)
+    >>> len(pool.available.values()[0])
-    >>> len(pool.all)
-    0
-    >>> len(pool.available)
-    0
-    >>> serial in pools
-    False
-In general, invalidations are ignored for historical connections, assuming
-that you have really specified a point in history.  This is another white box
+Invalidations are ignored for historical connections. This is another white box
     >>> historical_conn = db.open(
     ...     transaction_manager=transaction1, at=serial)
+    >>> conn = db.open()
     >>> sorted(conn.root().keys())
     ['first', 'second']
     >>> conn.root()['first']['count']
@@ -332,35 +361,13 @@
     >>> historical_conn.close()
-If you specify a time in the future, you get a read-only connection that
-invalidates, rather than an error.  The main reason for this is that, in some
-cases, the most recent transaction id is in the future, so there's not an easy
-way to reasonably disallow values.  Beyond that, it's useful to have readonly
-connections, though this spelling isn't quite appealing for the general case.
-This "future history" also works with MVCC.
+Note that if you try to open an historical connection to a time in the future,
+you will get an error.
-    >>> THE_FUTURE = datetime.datetime(2038, 1, 19)
-    >>> historical_conn = db.open(
-    ...     transaction_manager=transaction1, at=THE_FUTURE)
-    >>> conn.root()['first']['count'] += 1
-    >>> conn.root()['fourth'] = persistent.mapping.PersistentMapping()
-    >>> transaction.commit()
-    >>> len(historical_conn._invalidated)
-    2
-    >>> historical_conn.root()['first']['count'] # MVCC
-    2
-    >>> historical_conn.sync()
-    >>> len(historical_conn._invalidated)
-    0
-    >>> historical_conn.root()['first']['count']
-    3
-    >>> historical_conn.root()['first']['count'] = 0
-    >>> transaction1.commit()
+    >>> historical_conn = db.open(at=datetime.datetime.utcnow())
     Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ReadOnlyHistoryError
-    >>> transaction1.abort()
-    >>> historical_conn.close()
+    ValueError: cannot open an historical connection in the future.

Modified: ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/dbopen.txt
--- ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/dbopen.txt	2007-11-27 23:45:51 UTC (rev 82000)
+++ ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/dbopen.txt	2007-11-28 04:43:14 UTC (rev 82001)
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
 two connections available for reuse, and knows about three connections in
-    >>> pool = db._pools['']
+    >>> pool = db.pool
     >>> len(pool.available)
     >>> len(pool.all)
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
     >>> conns = [db.open() for dummy in range(6)]
     >>> len(handler.records)  # 3 warnings for the "excess" connections
-    >>> pool = db._pools['']
+    >>> pool = db.pool
     >>> len(pool.available), len(pool.all)
     (0, 6)
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
     >>> conn1 = db.open()
     >>> conn2 = db.open()
-    >>> pool = db._pools['']
+    >>> pool = db.pool
     >>> len(pool.all), len(pool.available)  # all Connections are in use
     (3, 0)

Modified: ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/testDB.py
--- ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/testDB.py	2007-11-27 23:45:51 UTC (rev 82000)
+++ ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/testDB.py	2007-11-28 04:43:14 UTC (rev 82001)
@@ -62,85 +62,6 @@
-    def test_removeHistoricalPool(self):
-        # Test that we can remove a historical pool
-        # This is white box because we check some internal data structures
-        serial1, root_serial1 = self.dowork()
-        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
-        serial2, root_serial2 = self.dowork()
-        self.failUnless(root_serial1 < root_serial2)
-        c1 = self.db.open(at=now)
-        root = c1.root()
-        root.keys() # wake up object to get proper serial set
-        self.assertEqual(root._p_serial, root_serial1)
-        c1.close() # return to pool
-        c12 = self.db.open(at=now)
-        c12.close() # return to pool
-        self.assert_(c1 is c12) # should be same
-        pools = self.db._pools
-        self.assertEqual(len(pools), 2)
-        self.assertEqual(nconn(pools), 2)
-        self.db.removeHistoricalPool(at=now)
-        self.assertEqual(len(pools), 1)
-        self.assertEqual(nconn(pools), 1)
-        c12 = self.db.open(at=now)
-        c12.close() # return to pool
-        self.assert_(c1 is not c12) # should be different
-        self.assertEqual(len(pools), 2)
-        self.assertEqual(nconn(pools), 2)
-    def _test_for_leak(self):
-        self.dowork()
-        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
-        self.dowork()
-        while 1:
-            c1 = self.db.open(at=now)
-            self.db.removeHistoricalPool(at=now)
-            c1.close() # return to pool
-    def test_removeHistoricalPool_while_connection_open(self):
-        # Test that we can remove a version pool
-        # This is white box because we check some internal data structures
-        self.dowork()
-        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
-        self.dowork()
-        c1 = self.db.open(at=now)
-        c1.close() # return to pool
-        c12 = self.db.open(at=now)
-        self.assert_(c1 is c12) # should be same
-        pools = self.db._pools
-        self.assertEqual(len(pools), 2)
-        self.assertEqual(nconn(pools), 2)
-        self.db.removeHistoricalPool(at=now)
-        self.assertEqual(len(pools), 1)
-        self.assertEqual(nconn(pools), 1)
-        c12.close() # should leave pools alone
-        self.assertEqual(len(pools), 1)
-        self.assertEqual(nconn(pools), 1)
-        c12 = self.db.open(at=now)
-        c12.close() # return to pool
-        self.assert_(c1 is not c12) # should be different
-        self.assertEqual(len(pools), 2)
-        self.assertEqual(nconn(pools), 2)
     def test_references(self):
         # TODO: For now test that we're using referencesf.  We really should

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