[Zodb-checkins] SVN: ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/RevisionStorage.py Put snooze() back because timing issues on my machine actually showed that the

Christian Theune ct at gocept.com
Thu Jan 31 08:20:44 EST 2008

Log message for revision 83331:
  Put snooze() back because timing issues on my machine actually showed that the
  two calls where actually necessary to guaranteed get an unused revid between
  two used ones.

  U   ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/RevisionStorage.py

Modified: ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/RevisionStorage.py
--- ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/RevisionStorage.py	2008-01-31 11:58:24 UTC (rev 83330)
+++ ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/RevisionStorage.py	2008-01-31 13:20:44 UTC (rev 83331)
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@
             # guarantees that the next timestamp will be at least one
             # larger (and probably much more than that) than the previous
             # one.
+            snooze()
+            snooze()
             revid = self._dostore(oid, revid, data=MinPO(i))
             revs.append(self._storage.load(oid, ""))

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