[Zodb-checkins] SVN: ZODB/branches/3.8/src/ZEO/tests/ Updated the mechanism to select test server ports to remove a source

Jim Fulton jim at zope.com
Tue Jul 8 14:51:04 EDT 2008

Log message for revision 88122:
  Updated the mechanism to select test server ports to remove a source
  of intermittent test failures.  In ConnectionTests, a random port was
  selected without checking if it was in use.  testZEO.get_port (moved
  to forker) picked a random port, checking if it was in use, but
  clients actually used that port *and* the following one.  Now check
  that the returned and subsequent ports are free. (Of course, they
  could get used betweed the time they're selected and the time they are
  used by the test. Oh well.

  U   ZODB/branches/3.8/src/ZEO/tests/ConnectionTests.py
  U   ZODB/branches/3.8/src/ZEO/tests/forker.py
  U   ZODB/branches/3.8/src/ZEO/tests/testZEO.py

Modified: ZODB/branches/3.8/src/ZEO/tests/ConnectionTests.py
--- ZODB/branches/3.8/src/ZEO/tests/ConnectionTests.py	2008-07-08 17:46:50 UTC (rev 88121)
+++ ZODB/branches/3.8/src/ZEO/tests/ConnectionTests.py	2008-07-08 18:51:04 UTC (rev 88122)
@@ -158,8 +158,7 @@
     def _getAddr(self):
-        # port+1 is also used, so only draw even port numbers
-        return 'localhost', random.randrange(25000, 30000, 2)
+        return 'localhost', forker.get_port()
     def getConfig(self, path, create, read_only):
         raise NotImplementedError

Modified: ZODB/branches/3.8/src/ZEO/tests/forker.py
--- ZODB/branches/3.8/src/ZEO/tests/forker.py	2008-07-08 17:46:50 UTC (rev 88121)
+++ ZODB/branches/3.8/src/ZEO/tests/forker.py	2008-07-08 18:51:04 UTC (rev 88122)
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 """Library for forking storage server and connecting client storage"""
 import os
+import random
 import sys
 import time
 import errno
@@ -201,3 +202,29 @@
             ack = 'no ack received'
         logger.debug('shutdown_zeo_server(): acked: %s' % ack)
+def get_port():
+    """Return a port that is not in use.
+    Checks if a port is in use by trying to connect to it.  Assumes it
+    is not in use if connect raises an exception. We actually look for
+    2 consective free ports because most of the clients of this
+    function will use the returned port and the next one.
+    Raises RuntimeError after 10 tries.
+    """
+    for i in range(10):
+        port = random.randrange(20000, 30000)
+        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+        s1 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+        try:
+            try:
+                s.connect(('localhost', port))
+                s1.connect(('localhost', port+1))
+            except socket.error:
+                # Perhaps we should check value of error too.
+                return port
+        finally:
+            s.close()
+            s1.close()
+    raise RuntimeError("Can't find port")

Modified: ZODB/branches/3.8/src/ZEO/tests/testZEO.py
--- ZODB/branches/3.8/src/ZEO/tests/testZEO.py	2008-07-08 17:46:50 UTC (rev 88121)
+++ ZODB/branches/3.8/src/ZEO/tests/testZEO.py	2008-07-08 18:51:04 UTC (rev 88122)
@@ -18,9 +18,7 @@
 import doctest
 import logging
 import os
-import random
 import signal
-import socket
 import stat
 import tempfile
 import threading
@@ -50,6 +48,7 @@
 import ZEO.zrpc.connection
 from ZEO.tests import forker, Cache, CommitLockTests, ThreadTests
+from ZEO.tests.forker import get_port
 import ZEO.tests.ConnectionTests
@@ -128,27 +127,6 @@
-def get_port():
-    """Return a port that is not in use.
-    Checks if a port is in use by trying to connect to it.  Assumes it
-    is not in use if connect raises an exception.
-    Raises RuntimeError after 10 tries.
-    """
-    for i in range(10):
-        port = random.randrange(20000, 30000)
-        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-        try:
-            try:
-                s.connect(('localhost', port))
-            except socket.error:
-                # Perhaps we should check value of error too.
-                return port
-        finally:
-            s.close()
-    raise RuntimeError("Can't find port")
 class GenericTests(
     # Base class for all ZODB tests

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