[ZODB-Dev] ZEO and Security
Jeremy Hylton
Mon, 7 May 2001 15:21:49 -0400 (EDT)
>>>>> "JC" == Jason Cunliffe <jasonic@nomadicsltd.com> writes:
JC> "Jeremy Hylton" <jeremy@digicool.com> wrote:
>> I don't agree. There are a variety of security issues that ZODB
>> should probably address. For ZEO, a minimum level of security is
>> controlling access to the database. For any interesting
>> application, however, there needs to be some real access control
>> machinery. Something like Python's rexec, which can be used to
>> force a client to use an object's official interface, seems like
>> the right place to start.
>> On the whole, it seems like a big project.
JC> hmm... Wondering if one could embed PYRO to manage a ZEO
JC> security system?
How does PYRO help us solve the security problem? ZEO already has a
simple remote method invocation mechanism.