[ZODB-Dev] Loading objects directly by OID
Barry A. Warsaw
Mon, 5 Nov 2001 16:59:46 -0500
>>>>> "GW" == Greg Ward <gward@mems-exchange.org> writes:
GW> I don't think that's *exactly* the situation I'm encountering,
GW> though. Note that I worded my question quite carefully:
| ... but for B to not be loadable via the storage's load()
| method?
GW> B (the object referenced by object A), certainly appears to be
GW> in the database. It gets loaded if I follow object references
GW> to get to it, eg. if I do dir(A). But I can't load it by
GW> passing its OID to the storage's load() method.
Could it be a version thing? I.e. is the object living in a version
other than the one you pass in to the load() method? OTOH, it doesn't
make sense that you wouldn't have a non-version revision of the object
(which will always get returned if load(..., version='') is used or if
the supplied version isn't the one the object is stored in).
IOW, AFAIK, there's no other way for ZODB to load an object's pickle
from a storage except through load() and loadSerial(), so if you can't
load it directly from the storage that way, Something Else must be
going on.