[ZODB-Dev] Explicit two-phase commit
Jeremy Hylton
Mon, 17 Sep 2001 23:56:45 -0400 (EDT)
>>>>> "IS" == Itamar <twisted@itamarst.org> writes:
IS> I'm thinking of what's in the ZODBRoadmap as:
IS> Allow use of foreign TP monitor
IS> Allow ZODB transactions to be controlled by external TP
IS> monitor, like Tuxedo.
IS> And I don't really see a transaction manager anywhere in the
IS> ZODB code... Maybe Connection, but I can't really figure out
IS> what and where, and by whom tpc_* are called.
Okay. I didn't do much thinking before I answered your last
question. Now that I've thought about it, I tend to agree that we
don't have a good answer.
The various tpc_xxx methods are called by the commit method of a
Transaction object, e.g. get_transaction().commit(). For each object,
it looks up the _p_jar attribute and then executes the tpc_begin()