[ZODB-Dev] List of references to all objects from ZODB?
Magnus Lycka
Mon, 04 Nov 2002 20:45:07 +0100
At 12:44 2002-11-04 -0500, Jeremy Hylton wrote:
>Can't you just use all the _index attribute of the FileStorage? If
>the oid isn't in _index, there's no way FileStorage is going to load
>it. It seems more efficient to use the list of known oids than to do
>a has_key() for every possible oid.
Actually, I would have used it for other things as well, a long
time ago, if I had only known that it existed! :) Thanks Jeremy.
(I'm still waiting for O'Reilly to publish ZODB in a Nutshell.)
So, the key fields in storage._index are OIDs, and the values are...?
Does other storages have this attribute as well?
Now there is one major thing that I've never managed to figure
out. How do I get from OID to object reference or vice versa?
Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
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