[ZODB-Dev] ZODB Object evolution and class variables ?
Casey Duncan
Mon, 4 Nov 2002 17:32:58 -0500
As you have found, changes to the class are not persisted. Here are some=20
1. Don't use an incremental count, use a random number or a timestamp val=
ue or=20
some combination of both.
2. If it must be incremental, do it by iterating over the ids of the cont=
it is being added to. This may mean that multiple objects could exist wit=
the same id (but in different folders).
3. Use a separate persistent object to store the count. Something like a=20
BTrees.Length.Length which automatically handles write conflicts. Store t=
object in the root with a fixed id. It could even be shared by multiple=20
On Monday 04 November 2002 04:54 pm, Andreas Martin wrote:
> Hallo !
> I'm a Zopenewbie and just experimenting with own Zope Python products
> and I don't know whether this is the rigt place to post my question.=20
> I created a sample News Product that should automatically set the id of
> a new instance to an autogenerated number.
> The class looks like this:
> class News(SimpleItem):
> "A News object"
> meta_type =3D "News"
> actualKey =3D 0
> def __init__(self, teaser):
> self.key =3D News.actualKey
> News.actualKey +=3D 1
> self.id =3D str(self.key)
> self.teaser =3D teaser
> That's ok but when I change the class definition I have the problem tha=
> my class variable "actualkey" starts again by 0.
> I managed to add new instance attributes like "teaser" and a
> __setstate__ function is working fine.
> My only problem is the global class variable, that is changed to 0 when
> I refresh my product in the zope management interface.
> Thanks for help
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