[ZODB-Dev] Re: [Dev] ZODB is not a Storage Technology (Re: other
formats )
Steve Alexander
Mon, 11 Nov 2002 08:20:55 +0000
> particular data-types:
> PersistentDict, PersistentList:
> """Dictionary and List types which track their changes
> Basically allow you to use them as lists/dicts without
> needing to spend code tracking changes yourself. These
> items, however, re-store the entire list/dict on each
> save, so see BTree for large dicts.
> """
> BTrees:
> """BTree implementation using individually persistent nodes
> Allows large dictionaries to be stored so that only a small
> sub-set of the dictionary needs to be re-stored on
> modifications
> """
Note that a BTree is fundamentally different than a dictionary.
A dictionary uses hash values and equality to compare its keys.
A BTree uses a comparison operator to order its keys.
Steve Alexander