[ZODB-Dev] deadlock prevention for ZODB3 / Zope 2.6
Jeremy Hylton
jeremy@zope.com (Jeremy Hylton)
Thu, 14 Nov 2002 20:14:32 -0500
>>>>> "SA" == Steve Alexander <steve@cat-box.net> writes:
>>> The implementation of deadlock prevention requires changes to
>>> the storage and transaction data manager APIs. Each must now
>>> implement a sortKey() method that returns a string that can be
>>> used to sort the storages.
>> I just updated to the 2.6 maintenance branch, and started getting
>> these log messages: jar missing sortKey() method:
>> I have a couple of class that hook into to transaction manager
>> API. They are obviously affected by this change, although I
>> hadnt realised this before seeing your timely log message.
SA> I bet this applies to ZPatterns / TransactionAgents too.
I'd be interested to hear if it did. If there are multiple _p_jars
(does that sound better?) that use locks, the ought to make sure that
they have a sensible sortKey().