[ZODB-Dev] deadlock prevention for ZODB3 / Zope 2.6
Barry A. Warsaw
Tue, 19 Nov 2002 12:38:14 -0500
>>>>> "JH" == Jeremy Hylton <jeremy@zope.com> writes:
JH> The transaction code falls back to id() if there's nothing
JH> better, but it can't prevent deadlock if it's using id(). It
JH> would be better if there was something that uniquely
JH> identified the database it was talking to. ZEO uses server IP
JH> address and port.
And since storages have file locks that (should) prevent multiple
opens of the same database, the path to the storage should be unique
enough for sortKeys(). That's what FS uses and it's what Berkeley
will use.