[ZODB-Dev] Transaction Manager Changes
Toby Dickenson
Tue, 26 Nov 2002 17:24:42 +0000
On Tuesday 26 November 2002 3:52 pm, Jeremy Hylton wrote:
> >>>>> "TD" =3D=3D Toby Dickenson <tdickenson@geminidataloggers.com> wri=
> TD> I am seeing some unusual behaviour in some classes which hook
> TD> into the transaction manager since Jeremy's sortKey changes. I
> TD> have not been able to reproduce a minimal test case yet, so this
> TD> has been diagnosed from activity logs on a production system.
> TD> The following two call sequences are ringing my alarm bells:
> TD> 1. abort, abort
> TD> 2. tpc_begin, abort, tpc_abort
> TD> Does this indicate a bug somewhere in the transaction manager,
> TD> or should my objects be expecting this?
> TD> (if it helps, there may be subtransactions involved too)
> I don't have a good answer off the top of my head. When I wrote the
> first version of deadlock prevention code, I got a number of things
> wrong in the subtransaction support. I fixed everything that was
> caught by the test suite. If you see new failures in an application,
> my first guess would be bugs in the code that weren't covered by the
> test suite.
> I'm not sure if I understand the problem report. Are the call
> sequences you report what is happening at the jar, e.g. the jar is
> getting its abort() method call twice in a row?
[I have touble calling these objects 'jars'. They are an object that is f=
in the _p_jar attribute of an object registered with the transaction mana=
=46rom the Transaction's point of view I guess that makes them a jar]