[ZODB-Dev] FileStorage redundant pack error
Greg Ward
Wed, 27 Nov 2002 10:21:07 -0500
On 27 November 2002, Toby Dickenson said:
> Could we (eventually) consider changing this behaviour to simply return? Im
> not sure why the packing operation should appear to fail simly because there
> is no work involved in achieving it.
+1 definitely.
> The backwards-compatability paranoia in me suggests that someone might be
> doing things with Data.fs.old, and assuming that a successful pack indicates
> that one will have been created. Any other reasons against?
Make pack() return false if no pack was actually done? Not exactly
backwards compatible, but at least you can still figure out if the .old
file was created or not.
(OTOH, what is os.path.isfile() for?)