[ZODB-Dev] undo and zodb

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Tue, 3 Sep 2002 08:57:27 -0400

>>>>> "MB" == Mario Bianchi <kammamuri_mb@hotmail.com> writes:

    MB> Hi everybody, are here any ZODB back-end storages
    MB> (e.g. FileStorage) available that don't support undo (let's
    MB> call it nonundoable)?

There are several Berkeley based storages that don't support undo or
versions.  They may or may not be ready for prime time, although I
/have/ been working on them recently.
    MB> Or maybe I didn't get it and it's the
    MB> ZODB itself that supports undo, no matter what back-end
    MB> storage of choice?  In the latter case, I guess there's no way
    MB> of storing write-intensive data (say session data) to a ZODB
    MB> without wasting lots of space, isn't it?

I guess it's only wasted space if you don't use those features. :)
