[ZODB-Dev] ExternalMount, FileStorage and Undo

Johan Carlsson [Torped] johanc@torped.se
Wed, 11 Sep 2002 17:04:13 +0200

At 10:54 2002-09-11 -0400, Jim Fulton said:
I would only need undo for the database where the user currently is.
>>Is it possible that this might be implemented for FileStorage?
>>(I'm not sure I'm up for the job quite yet. Not if it's "tricky"  anyway=
>>How about DirectoryStorage?
>This has nothing to do with the storage. It is a limitation in Zope's undo=

Ok. That's probably good news. Thanks.

>>What happens to Undo in the context of a mounded DB, is it disabled or
>>does it just act weird. I guess it would be quite easy to disable it by=20
>It just acts weird.


Best Regards,
Johan Carlsson

Torped Strategi och Kommunikation AB
Johan Carlsson

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