[ZODB-Dev] ZEO packing
Jeremy Hylton
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 12:13:17 -0400
>>>>> "CW" == Chris Withers <chrisw@nipltd.com> writes:
>> Do we want the default to be blocking or non-blocking?
CW> Well, historically it has been non-blocking but I think that's a
CW> bad thing. In both scripted calls and through the web calls,
CW> the instant return (with no explanatory message) indicates that
CW> the pakc has been completed, and very quickly too ;-)
CW> This can lead to monkey pounding TTW, or excessive calling if
CW> done from a script in a loop (this bit me in the past)
The second call to pack would raise an error -- FileStorageError,
"Already packing." Isn't that sufficient to prevent repeated calls to
pack()? It certainly prevents the subsequent calls from doing
anything else.