SecureZEO rehash, was Re: [ZODB-Dev] ZEO signal feature
Christian Reis
Mon, 23 Sep 2002 16:01:41 -0300
On Mon, Sep 23, 2002 at 12:26:45PM -0400, Jeremy Hylton wrote:
> >>>>> "CR" == Christian Reis <> writes:
> CR> On Mon, Sep 23, 2002 at 12:07:49PM -0400, Jeremy Hylton wrote:
> >> I'm trying to clear out the backlog of ZEO todo items in hopes of
> >> getting another beta release out soon. I'd like to accommodate
> >> the use cases that lead to the signal code, but I wonder if we
> >> could consider some other alternatives.
> CR> We have been working on a SecureZEO class this week that
> CR> subclasses ClientStorage and the basic Storage. We're trying to
> CR> get a solution that doesn't avoid changing ZEO, but we might
> CR> need to. Can we send patches your way for review, to check if it
> CR> is acceptable for integration?
> Yes. Happy to look at patches, or to review design plans before they
> get to the patch stage.
Do we have plans for SecureZEO outlined somewhere? There are some
references to but nothing very
There *is* a comment by someone famous that says:
* There's been a fairly length discussion of this issue
on the zodb-dev mailing list. The short answer is the untrusted
clients can't use the ZEO protocol because it gives them access to
object pickles. Instead, you'd need something like a trusted ORB
that served objects to untrusted clients via RPC. --jeremy
Our mechanism allows very simple access control, and removes the need
for an ORB for this specific case.
There is also a reference to doing client IP access control, which is
nice but can be implemented using a firewall, so it isn't top-priority
for us. Anyway, the auth() hook is flexible enough for it to be
implemented easily, as would Zope security, I suppose.
Take care,
Christian Reis, Senior Engineer, Async Open Source, Brazil. | [+55 16] 261 2331 | NMFL