[ZODB-Dev] DBTab and ZEO Failover

Lou Scalpati lou at hi-privacy.net
Thu Apr 17 12:28:19 EDT 2003

I have zope 2.6.1 and Zeo 2.02  and DBTab 1.1

My question is about zeo fallback connections.  I noticed in the dbtab.conf
file it shows fallbacks for a mount for ZRS.  Does this also apply to other
zeo servers without ZRS?
 I have 2 database servers that I am running zeo server on.  If for some
reason the primary dies will the client time out and go to the secondary if
it is defined like it shows for ZRS?  or is that a function of additional
code that ZRS introduces?  If that will work is there a maximum number of
fallback servers it can address?  Is this method reliable or am I better off
using another failover strategy such as ipvs in front of the zeo servers.

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