[ZODB-Dev] AdaptableStorage and ZClass instances
Shane Hathaway
Thu, 13 Feb 2003 11:03:42 -0500
Chris Withers wrote:
> Shane Hathaway wrote:
>> Look at the function at the bottom of Zope2SQL.py. You just need to
>> provide an alternative function that creates nearly the same mapper bu=
>> connects the mapper to an Oracle database rather than a Postgres=20
>> database.
> I found this significantly harder than I felt it should have been.
> My guy feeling it that the SQL mapping needs refactoring so the SQL is=20
> 'factored out'.
I did the minimum possible on the SQL mapping to get it working. It's=20
probably not factored well for allowing databases other than PostgreSQL,=20
though I didn't make any intentional ties.
I've been wondering if it would be possible to blend AdaptableStorage=20
and "Modeling":
Modeling generates SQL and makes object access transparent, but I think=20
it doesn't give you all the advantages of an OODBMS. The idea I have is=20
that AdaptableStorage would let you load and store ZODB objects,=20
untouched, using the Modeling framework.
> Jean and Roch=E9 at Upfront had some interesting ideas on how to go abo=
> 'templating' SQL to make this possible, perhaps they could comment?
All the relevant code is in the "gateway_sql" subpackage. We can=20
refactor mercilessly, since the tests have decent coverage.