[ZODB-Dev] DBTab mounts
Shane Hathaway
Mon, 17 Feb 2003 09:57:08 -0500
On 02/16/2003 01:50 PM, Rocky Burt wrote:
> Not sure if this is a bug or feature...
> 1) I have a plone (CMF) site with id 'plone' at the root.
> 2) I specify my DBTab sql mount to be at '/plone/sql'.
> 3) As a result, DBTab creates a regular folder with name 'plone' at the root
> (so yes, i now have two items with id 'plone' at the root) and then
> creates a subfolder 'sql' in the 'plone' folder.
That's very strange. It's not possible for two items to exist with the
same name. A name may appear twice in the listing, but both names will
resolve to the same object. Are you sure neither object has a trailing
space in its name or something?
> What I would like to have happen is...
> 1) I have a plone (CMF) site with id 'plone' at the root.
> 2) I specify my DBTab sql mount to be at '/plone/sql'.
> 3) As a result, DBTab creates a new folder in the existing plone site
> with id 'sql'.
> Now, in addition to this, I'd also like to have some way for the 'sql' folder
> to actually show up as a plone folder instead of a regular zope folder. But
> I understand (or figure) that's an entirely separate issue.
Nothing new here. DBTab is meant to make this possible.
> The affect of this is that I can write all of my application logic (skins,
> form actions, workflows, etc) and have it all stored in the regular zodb. But
> I can have client data (actual CMF content) stored in the rdbms where they
> want it. The best of both worlds. Especially since it's only the clilent
> who'd ever really want to use a rdbms for his data.
Cool. Try to figure out the difference between the two "plone" objects
using your browser's URL bar. If they truly had the same name, you
wouldn't be able to visit one of them because no URL would resolve to it.