[ZODB-Dev] CMS on top of ZODB
Martijn Faassen
Tue, 18 Feb 2003 18:52:39 +0100
Chris McDonough wrote:
> I am curious whether you think there is an opportunity here to develop a
> "standardized" XML-to-Zope-object serialization of large SGML/XML
> documents. ParsedXML doesn't really fit the bill, as it doesn't do
> anything special to break nodes across database records. XMLDocument
> probably doesn't have enough features, and I don't even know whether it
> works or not anymore.
Dropping into this discussion relatively late..
I've done a lot of work in this domain. I can map a single XML document
to a single IIBTree, with some supporting BTrees for collections of documents
to store element names, attribute names and text context.
My work is immature and there are a host of drawbacks, but it has:
* readonly DOM support
* beginnings of XML:DB API support
* beginnings of a very fast XPath query engine. This is where my
main focus is, besides efficient storage of XML.
It's called forest and the CVS archive can be found here:
Again, it's pretty immature, but lots of time and thinking went into this.