[ZODB-Dev] Unofficial AdaptableStorage Wiki
Phillip J. Eby
Thu, 20 Feb 2003 16:45:38 -0500
At 12:37 PM 2/20/03 -0500, Shane Hathaway wrote:
>Thanks for doing this, Chris. Writing the initial documentation is
>terribly difficult on a project like this: I became so familiar with the
>project that I could hardly see how other people could be *unfamiliar*
>with it... if you know what I mean. The solution to that dilemma is to
>give myself time, taking advantage of memory decay to make myself less
>familiar with the project, or let someone else try to document it.
Some kind of conceptual introduction to the concept of keychains and the
use of names would be helpful, too. Looking at the interfaces, it appears
that there is some kind of concept of traversal paths involved, but I'm not
clear on why that's useful.
By way of contrast, EntityDM's in PEAK simply use an opaque value for a
_p_oid, and if a particular serialization implementation needs a path, it's
certainly welcome to use, say, a tuple of keys of some kind for that
purpose, but the thing that manages the objects' state and transactions,
doesn't really *care* about the key format. So I'm curious whether I
should view the keychain idea in AdaptableStorage as a cool enhancement or
as meaningless extra overhead. ;) And I won't know that until I
understand what it is and what it's for. :)
(If I had to guess, I'd guess that this has something to do with wanting to
define serialization policies based on containment, using a single _p_jar
to manage all the objects, and that that's part of where the classifier
stuff comes in, right?)