ZODB "Community" Was: [ZODB-Dev] storage comparison feature matrix

Jeremy Hylton jeremy at zope.com
Tue Jun 17 22:38:57 EDT 2003

On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 16:14, Thomas Guettler wrote:
> The problem I see is that there is only this developer
> mailinglist. There are so many famous people on this list, that I
> don't want to ask newbie questions. I think others don't dare to ask,
> too. Maybe a zodb-users mailinglist could help.

Ask on this list.  I anyone famous answers you, I'll tell them to stop

> Unfortunately the ZODB guide seems to be unmaintained. If noone else
> does it, I could add the things I sent to this list some days ago.

There isn't much priority placed on its maintenance, but it is
maintained.  A new section on the ordering requirements for BTrees keys
was added recently, for example.  You asked a bunch of good questions
earlier; I hope we'll get a chance to answer them.


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