[ZODB-Dev] CatalogBrains getObject raised an error ????

Pavlica, Nick Nick.Pavlica at echostar.com
Thu Jun 26 17:27:04 EDT 2003

I'm experiencing an error that I haven't seen yet.  Is there a simple 
resolution to this ?  I need to have this site ready for production and don't 
want to ship it with an error that I don't understand.  I have several 
instances of this message printing to standard out.

2003-06-26T15:56:29 INFO(0) CatalogBrains getObject raised an error
Traceback (innermost last):
line 42, in getObject
  File /var/www/zope/Zope-2.6.1-linux2-x86/lib/python/OFS/Traversable.py, line 
120, in unrestrictedTraverse
    (Object: Zope)
    (Info: (['stakeholderdir.xls', 'SRD', 'PM', 'CSE', 'Cheyenne'], 'test'))
  File /var/www/zope/Zope-2.6.1-linux2-x86/lib/python/OFS/Application.py, line 
108, in __bobo_traverse__
    (Object: Zope)
KeyError: test

Site Configuration:
- Zope 2.6.1-linux2-x86
- CMF 1.3.1
- Plone 1.3.0
- egenix-mx-base-2.0.4.
- psypsycopg-1.1.4
- Apache 2.x
- Redhat 8.0

Much Thanks!!!!

Nick Pavlica
EchoStar Communications

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