[ZODB-Dev] Re: [Zope3-dev] PROPOSAL: ZODB Relationships
Roché Compaan
roche at upfrontsystems.co.za
Fri May 9 21:19:52 EDT 2003
* Phillip J. Eby <pje at telecommunity.com> [2003-05-09 17:34]:
> At 11:28 AM 5/9/03 +0200, Roché Compaan wrote:
> >On Thu, 08 May 2003 19:58:22 -0400
> >"Phillip J. Eby" <pje at telecommunity.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> A final comment... Once this takes directionality into consideration,
> >you
> >> might consider calling it an 'Association' rather than a
> >'Relationship', as
> >> it would then largely meet the MOF and UML semantics of an
> >> "Association". That is, an association is a collection of directed links
> >> between objects. It would then make sense to refer to refer to the
> >> 'RelationshipView' as an 'AssociationEnd'.
> >
> >We used the term Relationship because the proposal is based on the
> >entity-relationship model. I am not too familiar with MOF so maybe you
> >can explain how it will apply to the current proposal.
> From the MOF 1.4 specification:
> "Associations are the MOF Models primary construct for expressing the
> relationships
> in a metamodel. At the M1 level, an M2 level MOF Association defines
> relationships
> (links) between pairs of instances of Classes. Conceptually, these links do
> not have
> object identity, and therefore cannot have Attributes or Operations."
> If I understand the Relationship objects in your proposal, they correspond
> to the M1 level definition of an Association in UML and the MOF. That is,
> they are a collection of links between objects. An association provides
> operations to create and destroy links. (The M2 level isn't relevant to
> this discussion, as the M2 level is the *specification* of the
> relationship; if your proposal involved ways of specifying the multiplicity
> of the ends, their aggregation kinds, what interface(s) objects on each end
> had to implement, etc., then that would be on the M2 level.)
> Anyway, it's a straightforward mapping from the formal semantics of a UML
> association, to the relationships you defined, provided that the
> relationships are directional.
This model seems like a perfect fit for what we want to achieve. I read
through the chapter on associations in the MOF specification but found
it quite terse and assumes some knowledge that I don't have. Can you
help me apply it to an example so that I can revise the current API.
I'll ramble some more to help me understand it.
If one takes the course teacher relationship from the API then I suppose
one would have an association instance with two association ends named
course and teacher. If we say that a course has only one teacher then
the association end named course will have a cardinality of one and
teacher will have a cardinality of many (I don't think the term
multiplicity will work here - it looks like it has fixed upper and lower
bounds. Or can you have a N multiplicity?)
What attribute on the association determines the direction?
> > Thanks for your
> >comments Phillip. I was hoping you say something because you must have
> >thought about this when designing PEAK.
> I thought about it quite a lot, but I haven't implemented such "external"
> relationship management because I have found that using Coad's "yellow role
> object" patterns (sort of like persistent adapters) are a cleaner solution
> for the actual use cases, at least for the kind of apps I work with.
> But, if I were going to implement them, I'd say your proposal is in the
> right direction. I understand that making relationships symmetrical
> certainly makes for easy lookups: just insert a pair for each direction,
> then do a one-way lookup. Whereas directionality requires that you supply
> a parameter for the direction, and then either store the direction or use a
> forward map and a backward map. OTOH, storing the forward and backward
> maps takes little more space than storing a map with both forward and
> backward entries.
So instead of storing both entries in course_teachers we store an entry
in course_to_teacher and an entry in teacher_to_course?
Roché Compaan
Upfront Systems http://www.upfrontsystems.co.za
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