[ZODB-Dev] cPickle: state is not a directory/Upgrade to Zope 2.7failing

Andreas Jung lists at andreas-jung.com
Tue Nov 4 12:10:20 EST 2003

--On Dienstag, 4. November 2003 11:54 Uhr -0500 Jim Fulton <jim at zope.com> 

> It looks as though this pickle was written from a DateTime class with
> custom __getstate__ and __setstate__.  This would be useful to save space.
> I can find no evidence of this in CVS though. Is it possible that sombody
> had installed such an optimization in Adreas' Zope 2.6 installation?
> If so, somebody needs to migrate that forward to the 2.7 installation.

*sigh* Jim, you're right. I verified with our CVS. Dieter added __getstate__
and __setstate__ to provide a more efficient pickle format. I was not aware
of this extension and since he is on vacation he could not give me a hint.

Sorry for bringing this up and thanks,

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