[ZODB-Dev] ZODB3.3.0b1 failed unit test

Tim Peters tim at zope.com
Mon Jul 5 20:45:49 EDT 2004

[pm5 at matilda.fiorile.org]
> Actually 3.3a2 failed these tests, too.  But I went on install it and so
> far it works fine.
> Error messages are attached.  My configuration:
> Debian testing (sarge) python 2.3.4-2

You should open Collector reports <http://collector.zope.org/Zope>.  ZODB
ships with zdaemon, and so runs the zdaemon tests, but zdaemon isn't really
part of the ZODB project (ZODB is a zdaemon user).

> FAIL: testRunIgnoresParentSignals (zdaemon.tests.testzdrun.ZDaemonTests)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File
estzdrun.py", line 227, in testRunIgnoresParentSignals
>     self.assert_(len(params) > 1, repr(response))
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/unittest.py", line 278, in failUnless
>     if not expr: raise self.failureException, msg
> AssertionError: ''

I know Jeremy Hylton saw that failure mode often in January.  He eventually
traced it to stale code in his site-packages directory.  Fred Drake tried at
that time to provoke it under RH 9 and RH 7.3, but never saw it fail.

> ======================================================================
> FAIL: testUmask (zdaemon.tests.testzdrun.ZDaemonTests)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File
estzdrun.py", line 244, in testUmask
>     self.assert_(not os.access(path, os.W_OK))
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/unittest.py", line 278, in failUnless
>     if not expr: raise self.failureException, msg
> AssertionError

I've never seen a report of that one fail before.  It may be something
unique in your system or configuration ... could you try the patch here?:


If that fixes it, I'll really have to wonder why I bother making alpha or
beta releases at all <0.7 wink>.

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