[ZODB-Dev] Re: [Warning] Zope/ZEO clients: subprocesses can lead to
non-deterministic message loss
Dieter Maurer
dieter at handshake.de
Sun Jun 27 14:27:03 EDT 2004
ATTENTION: Crosspost -- Reply-To set to 'zope-dev at zope.org'
On Friday, I reported a bug that can cause non-deterministic message loss
and duplication of messages in forking applications
with an "asyncore" mainloop thread.
Unfortunately, the proposed workararound does not work for
various reasons (as you may already have recognized and reported):
* it modifies global variables without protection
which is a receipe for desaster in a multi-threaded
* it resets state that is already activated.
Therefore, it is not effective in preventing the main
* when applied for "system", it blocks Zope
until the the call returns which may be far too long.
I am working at another work around.
The main ideas is:
* Inform "asyncore" about the actor for which its mainloop
should execute.
* When the actor is set, "asyncore" calls handlers only for
this actor and does nothing otherwise.
The problem: what is an "actor"?
The most natural choice would
be the process, identified via its process id. However,
under Linux, the process id may not identify the process but
the thread. I am still looking for an adequate, platform
independent "actor" definition.
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