[ZODB-Dev] ConflictError: database conflict error

Bob Horvath zodb at horvath.com
Fri Jan 7 01:21:04 EST 2005

Dieter Maurer wrote:

>Bob Horvath wrote at 2005-1-6 00:21 -0600:
>>Great.  I have a Data.fs file with some serious problems. I am tempted 
>>to just start over from scratch.  The main thing I am afraid of losing 
>>is the member information.  Is there any easy easy to just export and 
>>import the member information out of a Zope site?
>Yes. You can simply export the "acl_users" (using "Import/Export").
>Import is a bit more difficult.
>The following approach is one working (there are more, but there
>are more difficult to explain):
>  * create an Emergency User (--> HowTo on Zope.org)
>  * log in as this user
>  * delete your "acl_users"
>  * import the previously exported "acl_users"

OK, I'll try that.  Are the other methods written up anywhere?

>>On this specific problem, would it do anyone any good to look at my 
>>Data.fs file to help debug it?  Or is the problem most likely beyond 
>>where it could easily be debugged.
>I do not think that the problem you have reported has to do
>with a broken "Data.fs". It looks as if the software were buggy
>or the system in a very curious state.

My setup has been in a curious state for quite a while.

>I already saw another (single) message with this
>"now 000...000" problem. Thus, you are not alone.
>I never met it myself and it appears to occur very very rarely.
>Maybe, you upgrade your Zope, as Tim has suggested, and hope
>that the problem was fixed. As Tim said, a serious problem
>has been fixed that might bring the system in a very
>curious state...
The problem is that I can't upgrade until I fix my database, which I 
have been unsuccessful at.

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