[ZODB-Dev] Finding objects by attribute value?

Tino Wildenhain tino at wildenhain.de
Fri Jan 7 13:58:46 EST 2005

Am Freitag, den 07.01.2005, 11:56 -0500 schrieb Tim Peters:
> [Chris Bainbridge]
> > I had a similar bandwidth problem and solved it by running a client on
> > the server which connects to localhost, and then allowing only that
> > client to carry out the heavy work (the code is the same, but does 'if
> > hostname == something: connect_to_localhost ... if
> > connected_to_localhost: do_stuff ...'). It helped, but would have been
> > faster if I could've figured out how to get zodb to listen for client
> > connections on a unix socket and tcp at the same time (is it possible?).
> If by "zodb" you mean a ZEO server, no, a ZEO server binds to exactly one
> address to listen for client connections.
> While I've never done this, I imagine you could also start a second ZEO
> server binding to a different address.  This would have to open the
> FileStorage in read-only mode.

Well, it could be possible by using a ZEO server which serves
via unix socket and then connect another ZEO server to is as
client which then serves further with TCP/IP. So all local
clients can use unix socket.
Even more, to have identical databases, you can have a third
ZEO server on the network peer to translate into Unix-Socket 

    [Primary Storage] <--> [ZEO Unix] <---> local clients
                       [ZEO Network (uses client-storage Unix)]
(remotely) local clients <--->[ZEO Unix (uses client-storage IP)] 

Well, thats probably really mad ;)


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