[ZODB-Dev] Tracking down a freeze (deadlock?)

Tim Peters tim at zope.com
Thu Mar 3 16:09:20 EST 2005

[Florent Guillaume]
> Preliminary info: using my DeadlockDebugger
> (http://www.zope.org/Members/nuxeo/Products/DeadlockDebugger)

BTW, that's really cool!  Thank you for doing this.

I think the threadframe module it relies on (or something like it) would be
a good candidate for addition to the Python core, in part because it's
impossible to write that module safely as a non-core extension (crawling
over the tstate chain is subject to segfault-producing thread races unless
protected by the core pystate.c's internal head_mutex lock; if you don't
call functions in the threadframe module while threads are being created or
going away, it should be safe against that particular crash factory).

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