[ZODB-Dev] PGStorage

Alan Runyan runyaga at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 14:32:29 EST 2008

> Likely but I don#t know how to setup my instance in order to make the
> copied instance making use of mounted catalog.

What about creating a Plone site with a FileStorage.
Then mount a subfolder into PGStorage say

then you could see create af older /Plone/new_folder and dump buncha content
and paste it into /Plone/foo_folder and paste it into /Plone/some_folder and
see the difference?

> If there is a benefit..what would be arguments for running a mixed setup?

My understanding is that each object in a catalog (Plone has 3 cataogs) has
numerous other objects associated with it.  Something like:

each record in a catalog may have an object for each index/metadata attribute
you are capturing.  and possibly a few others.  Each catalog entries contain
ts of object per object being indexed.    That is my understanding.

Alan Runyan
Enfold Systems, Inc.
phone: +1.713.942.2377x111
fax: +1.832.201.8856

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