[ZODB-Dev] RelStorage now in Subversion

Shane Hathaway shane at hathawaymix.org
Sun Jan 27 03:11:48 EST 2008

Andreas Jung wrote:
> Thanks a lot for the great work!
> One question: what is the ZODB patch actually doing? Is it for 
> optimization purposes? Is it specfic to RelStorage or does it provide 
> some general ZODB improvement(s)?

The patch is intended to be a general ZODB improvement that enables ZODB 
to interact in a natural way with data stores that already provide MVCC 
semantics.  It does this by allowing the storage to bind a separate 
storage instance to each ZODB.Connection, rather than attaching all 
ZODB.Connections to a single storage.  The patch also allows the storage 
to provide object invalidations through polling.

I hope the patch, or a modified version of the patch, will be accepted 
for inclusion in ZODB 3.9.  A monkey patch version is possible, but I'm 
trying to avoid that.


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